MovieChat Forums > Beauty and the Beast (1987) Discussion > Unreleased season 3 arc (official) SPOIL...

Unreleased season 3 arc (official) SPOILER

Did any of you know that the writers wanted to do a 'Land of the dead' arc right after Catherine got killed?
In this arc Vincent went to Narcissa to help him go search for Catherine in the land of the dead. After Narcissa warned him that he wouldn't find answers there since Catherine isn't there, he went there anyway.
Once in the land of the dead he faced many of his victims and had to beat them again and ultimately he would have to defeat Paracelsus one last time, before he could return to the land of the living.

TPTB didn't want to slow the story down and move forward and thus we got those dull last 2 episodes that didn't add anything to the third season.

Again, just wanted to share this with you guys.


I had read this scenario somewhere before - Personally, I didn't like the idea -I know, it begs the question 'How much fantasy do you want in your fantasy?' - As it is well-known I'm not particularly fond of 3rd season - I would've preferred Catherine had gone missing w/out a body found -However, I like the notion of Vincent facing the people he's killed (I read a fanfic w/this theme), but instead of beating them again, his 'victims' actually forgive Vincent (they were mostly, if not all bad guys & their deaths were in defense of Catherine and/or others) -But I also like the idea of Vincent facing Paracelsus one last time so he could learn that all he'd told him about his birth were lies & Vincent's origins would remain a mystery (I know it still is somewhat, depending on your point of view, I suppose) -All this could come to Vincent as a dream & he could wake w/a great sense of inner peace -Just my opinion on it

