Vincent's origin.

I know that's not the point of the show but has Vincent's origin or what he is and how he came to be be ever been revealed or hinted? We help! Disability, law and inspiration


No. He was found as an abandoned baby. I think I remember a storyline where supposedly Paracelcus had been experimenting on his wife and Vincent was the result but it turned out to be a lie.


No explanation was ever given on the show. Father told Catherine that he had been found as a newborn infant, abandoned outside St. Vincent's hospital (hence the name) in the snow, wrapped in rags, by Anna, Paracelsus' wife, who brought him down to the tunnel world.

When I was a kid, I theorized that Vincent was the result of genetic experimentation that was being conducted by Dr. Jacob Wells (father), Dr. John Pater (Paracelsus), Dr. Peter Alcott and possibly Anna Pater. I'd surmised that when Jacob saw the child they created, knowing what would happen to him in the hands of scientist or the military, he took him and escaped to the tunnels below New York.

