MovieChat Forums > Beauty and the Beast (1987) Discussion > Just Finished Beauty and the Beast (SPOI...

Just Finished Beauty and the Beast (SPOILERS) - Need Clarification Plz!

Hello everyone,

I have just watched Beauty and the Beast for the first time all the way through from season 1-3. I've thoroughly enjoyed the show it has some fantastic moments, excellent stuff.

There is one thing though I felt wasn't clarified or really explained (at least to my knowledge or if I missed something), and that is the character of Gabriel.

******************SPOILERS AHEAD***********************

Just who was he exactly? I got that he was a drug lord with alot of influence, but why did he want Catherine and Vincent's baby so much? Did he just want a baby for the sake of it?

How did he have the knowledge of the babies existence?

Also, was there any significance behind the rings that Gabriel and the character played by Lance Henrikson? (he was the Hunter that goes after Vincent in the season 3 episode entitled 'Snow')

Were they part of some kind of secret cult?

Overall I loved the story arc that runs over the 3rd series, there were just a couple of parts that didnt seem to be answered.

Can any one help? I'd love to hear everyones views or if there are any links to an interviews by the writers/creators of the show that talk about this?

Sorry for all the questions and thanks again!



***Hi swyatt01, Dawnicous had very similar questions so I've copied them here -Hope it helps

I’ve just finished watching season 3 and have to say I’ve been left with loads of unanswered questions. I think maybe I’ve missed something? Please help 8-/

When Gabriel kidnaps Cathy, he already knows that she is pregnant. Indeed, that’s why he kidnaps her in the first place. So firstly, how did he know this? Secondly, how the heck did he know that the child was a ‘special child’? He was not remotely shocked when he first saw Vincent on the helipad; he already knew about him and knew that the child was Vincent’s and that it was special because of this. Well…how did he know this? It was never explained.
It was also never explained about what he wanted the child for? Why was he so obsessed with it? I can only assume he wanted someone with special abilities, like Vincent’s baby, to take over his empire.

***Gabriel kidnapped Catherine b/c she had his black code book -probably about his criminal dealings-never really confirmed in the series -He didn't care she was pregnant at first -Gabriel first saw Vincent on the security tape when he first tried & failed to rescue Catherine -Gabriel assumed he was the father of the child & therefore must be 'special'-He probably would've raised the child to be a killer at his command -Gabriel then moved Catherine to another location for the duration of her pregnancy

I felt all the way through that Gabriel had some links to Vincent’s origins in some way. There are lots of quotes to support this, such as Gabriel’s associate saying ‘he’s not human’ and Gabriel replying ‘so few of us are.’ Gabriel says, about Vincent, ‘the truth will set him free’. He also says to Vincent, ‘There are no coincidences, the woman, the child – our destinies are all linked.’ Then there are the rings – I thought all the way through that they were symbolic of something, the inscriptions etc – but that came to nothing too! I was waiting for some big reveal that never came. No explanations about any of it!

***The quotes 'he's not human' is b/c of the way Vincent looks, that he is very strong & capable of doing a lot of damage -'so few of us are' is a comment on the human race in general -Gabriel & his associates were all criminals/killers -He personally didn't know of any truly good people -'the truth will set him free' was a vague comment, I know it's a biblical quote -'There are no coincidences' means he believes in fate & destiny & you have no choice on your own path of life -But yes, I think these were very baited comments (& the rings) to get you interested then no pay off of an explanation

the episode where he hires that old hitman/associate of his to find and kill Vincent

***Snow, the hitman. I think was hired to find Vincent & kill him so he wouldn't come after Gabriel or try to rescue the baby

Also, was the child some kind of immaculate conception or did Cathy and Vin have some sexy time? I assume that bit is just left open to interpretation.

***When Vincent was Below raving in a cave, Father led Catherine to him & then left -Although the scene was rather vague (intentionally) they supposedly made love after he passed out -Ugh! -This is probably the most re-written scene in fan fiction! There are some fans who prefer a spiritual conception & some that have written very passionate love scenes

Are we to assume, also, that Elliot’s body was simply blown to bits? We never hear of it being found. I know Vincent says he is dead, but maybe he escaped and started a new life? I like to think so 8-)

***In the series I think he was hurt on the boat & it blew up -But of course there's lots of fan fiction that tells another story


I'll copy cathvin and copy-and-paste.

In addition to cathvin's thoughts:

I'm sure I read somewhere that the rings were supposed to be leading somewhere, but I may be imagining this!

The "conception" can raise some heated debates! I believe that those shots of flowers blossoming and lava were the network's version of the "pan to the fireplace" or cut to "train going into a tunnel" from old films. I.E, that's when it happened. Others strongly disagree!

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.
