
So I've been watching through this on Netflix. I thought I would really not like it, I like crime/law shows, but I have OCD (and no, I'm not one of those people that just says that because I have a few quirks, I actually have OCD), and I have to do things in a specific order, so I've been watching everything on Netflix....in order.

ANYWAY, I didn't really know anything about the show at all. I get to season 3, and Catherine's DEAD?????? So, I turn to my roommate (who has been making fun of me for watching it), and I cracked a joke 'Hey, George R. R. Martin must have written this," because of his penchant for killing off characters and lo and behold, the next episode started and THERE WAS HIS NAME.

I'm sure most of you already know that, but the timing was AWESOME :)

And I did end up liking the series.

That is all.
