Once Upon a Time fans here?

As a die hard Beauty and the Beast fan since day 1 I must say that Once Upon a Time is the first tv-show since BatB that I'm that excited about.
I love the mix between the fairy tale world and our world. My favorite characters are Gold/Rumpelstiltskin, Belle and Regina/The Evil Queen.

I'm sure there are other Once fans among BatB fans.


I do like OUAT, but feel that it hasn't lived up to it's premise.

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


Really? Because to be honost I think it´s a better show than Beauty and the Beast ever was.
Don't get me wrong here, BatB will always be my favorite TV show, but OUAT has more character development than BatB ever had (this is proven by Linda and Ron's complains during S02).
Based on everything that happens on Once... I tryly believe that our Beauty and the Beast would do better now a days. Vincent and Catherine would definitely be able to kiss now a days and their would be relationship development.

OUAT for me is the best TV show since BatB and I can't wait for season 3 to begin!!


My problem with OUAT is that it suffers from "comic book plotting". It's boring if the evil characters are always evil, so they switch sides back and forth. Unfortunately this happens over years in a comic, but only seems to take a few weeks in OUAT (Regina, Rumple, Hook). Plus the inhabitants of Storybrooke do dumb things to force the plot down the route the writers want.

There was a wealth of Fairy Tale goodness to be mined if the curse had remained in place for another season, and as much fun to be had seeing how characters coped in the "real world" once the curse was broken, but it looks as if S3 will be the core group messing around in Never Never Land. I must get around to reading some "Fables" to see how the "Fairy Tale characters in the real world" thing is handled there.

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.
