Subtitle discrepancies?

I just noticed an interesting discrepancy in the subtitles to "The Rest is Silence," the final episode of Season 2. There, Vincent searches frantically for a certain book in his chamber, and finds it. He quotes Dylan Thomas' "And Death Shall Have No Dominion." But, the line that, in Dylan's text reads "Though they go mad they shall be sane," is portrayed in the subtitles as "Though they go BACK they shall be SAVED." One wonders why the subtitles didn't follow the actual script, which would surely have been easily available. I am overall pleased with the second season, but have noticed certain other discrepancies in the subtitles that suggest they were hastily done. I was just wondering if others had noticed similar discrepancies, and if they would mind posting them and/or commenting on them.

I was in kindergarten when "Beauty and the Beast" aired its first season. Watching the DVDs now, there are few episodes I don't remember seeing as a child. I love this show--it remains one of my all-time favorites. The faerie-tale quality of the first season especially strikes me now, though I missed it as a seven-year-old. I suppose it is a testament to my love of the show that I even noticed these discrepancies, but also a sign of my nitpickiness. :)


The only thing I can think of (which is no big deal), is that the makeup on Perlman looked different in some episodes. I assumed Rick Baker didn't apply Vincent's makeup each time.

Never underestimate the genius of Michael Jackson, my sweet angelic warrior!
