The beginning of S3

So, I am to believe Vincent "died" and Catherine had her 'way' with him all
200 lbs. of him I am sure. (lol)

Then to add insult to injury he didn't even remember her or the encounter!!! He felt at peace but lost all memory of having sex?

Poor guy! Didn't even enjoy himself the one and only time he has relations.

I LOVE BATB!!!!! but this was just too much for even me........

It’s good to dream

I'm revisiting the series after all these years and I still can't think of a show that captured my interest this much.


Yeah, that was really disappointing -I think at the time the censors had the final say about the scene -If you haven't already, look up some fanfiction & it might make you feel better -Fan writers know how to write a love scene!


LOL. Funny post that had me grinning.

Never underestimate the genius of Michael Jackson, my sweet angelic warrior!
