MovieChat Forums > Beauty and the Beast (1987) Discussion > Do they actually make love in the series...

Do they actually make love in the series and if they do in which episode


I understand they have a son in the series so they must conceive him some time during season 2, please could you tell me the exact episode? Thanks in advance.

From Barcelona, capital of Catalonia, the next state in Europe.


It was in 3.1 - but the consummation scene consisted of flowers blossoming and fiery explosions etc...

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


"It was in 3.1 - but the consummation scene consisted of flowers blossoming and fiery explosions etc..." - He's UNCONSCIOUS in the scene that you're talking about. That's not the episode that they had sex in. "What Rough Beast (#2.20)" is the episode that they consummate in, it was the episode when they thought that they were never going to see each other again, Catherine asks Vincent to just "hold her." But come on people, get some common sense.

"I can't honestly see them consumating when he's in a coma." - Exactly, thank you.

"Their clothes were NOT on." - YES their clothese were on. "When Catherine started kissing Vincent she had her coat on. After they had made love (which we never saw) she wasn't wearing her coat, her hair was falling the other way." - Wow man, her hair being a little messed up and her coat being off, makes all the difference, NOT. "We're supposed to believe they made love while we had that horrible lava scene." - Actually that's about bringing VINCENT back to life, and the rest of us with a clue are supposed to believe that other fans like yourself have common sense - clearly you don't.
"What did you expect we would see Catherine and Vincent without clothes?" - do you expect people to believe you when you sound like a complete moron? Didn't think so.


Why this attack?
I have three official books on the show and the producers themselves claim that the child was conceived at the beginning of TLBL.

Now who's the moron here? Get a life.


Very disappointing 'love scene', but there's always fanfic!


I can't honestly see them consumating when he's in a coma. There clothes were sitll on, etc. Personally I think their bond somehow magically conceieved jr. Then again, we'll never know.


Their clothes were NOT on. When Catherine started kissing Vincent she had her coat on. After they had made love (which we never saw) she wasn't wearing her coat, her hair was falling the other way. We're supposed to believe they made love while we had that horrible lava scene.
What did you expect we would see Catherine and Vincent without clothes?


Not back then - not under the (very) watchful eye of CBS.

I think they did as much as they were allowed to get away with. It's crazy, they even had to slightly animate (or however you'd refer to it) the 'kiss' at the end of A Happy Life (Season 1 finale) to make it fly with the network.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


I will have to rewatch that episode. Regardless of how the child was conceived, it gave me a theory. In the first season they imply that there was another before Vincent. Something to do with a painting of an ancient pagan god in an ancient voodoo cult or something. I remember they would tell lhow vincent seemed to be a throwback to ancient classical times. Probably just meant more as a metaphor for his mistique. However, the voodoo made me think. My theory is that all this happened long ago. Vincent is not a freak of nature but a descendant of something that vanished long ago. Though Jr looks human, aeons from now one of his descendants will end up like vincent and then the fairy tale will start again. BTW there was rumor long ago that there was going to be a next generation spinoff, but it never went anywhere.


I remember that rumor, it was about a show focussing on Jacob and his struggles with his lives above and below. He would be a normal looking guy with a beastial side. It even said that Ron Perlman's Vincent (Jacob's father)and Diana (Jo Anderson??) would be recurring characters. These rumors floated around about 10 years ago.
That would have been a much better show than this 2012 reboot.


Not so different from this new vincent, except there's no tunnel folk to go to.


Yup, it's that cheesy lava and flowers scene in 3x01.

"He's already attracted to her. Time and monotony will do the rest."


Nope, wrong. Again, MOFO was unconscious. He was still "out-like-a-light" when Father came into the cave to check on them, and when Vincent woke up he looked at Catherine not knowing why she was even there. Not to mention the fact that he's so weak from the SICKNESS that he has to lean on both Catherine and Father, and you idiots really believe that he had the strength to have sex and then what, feign illness again? You people have really stupid imaginations.

The fire explosion is symbolic of the FEVER BREAKING, and if you paid attention their connection came and went because of the pregnancy, which happened BEFORE THE FEVER STARTED. She didn't know that he was so sick otherwise Father wouldn't have had to tell her, the connection was already broken because she was already pregnant. Plus she got the news that she was pregnant in the same episode and the scene was only 2 days later, no amount of fanwanking can explain science away. It takes 6 to 7 days before the eggs reaches the uterus, no matter how great the sperm is it doesn't change the speed of the eggs. The pregnancy also wouldn't show up in a test until a few weeks afterward, the test was only taken 3 days afterward. My lawd are you people stupid or what.


They don't, their child was concieved by the purest of all love, yes it sounds cliche and silly and whatever else but for me; that is beautiful.

I bet in this so called reboot series that they are making it will have them having sex, thanks a million CW.


Well, there's nothing wrong with a scene of them having sex, as long as it's done tastefully. My one big problem with the original series (which I loved) is that the writers were way too conservative with their romance.

-Goodnight, mother of six!
-Goodnight, father of two!


Hi sambuca! Yeah, I think the writers & mostly the censors thought even a tasteful love scene might be construed as beastiality, so it was shot as it was -Hopefully if the new series does well, we'll have a sensual yet tasteful love scene in the final season & also hopefully a HAPPY ending for C&V!


This whole "bestiality" issue does annoy me, I mean I have never seen or heard of an animal that talks and recites poetry. Maybe there's a first for everything...

As for this new "remake"...the less said about it the better.

-Goodnight, mother of six!
-Goodnight, father of two!


Yeah, I had high hopes for it before I saw it -I wish they had chosen names other than Catherine & Vincent for the main characters b/c there certainly isn't any resemblance to our's


I lost my high hopes after a few episodes. What a horrible show. It's more a CSI version of BatB than it is a reboot.

