Both beauties?

Is this new catherine an amalgamation of the two beauties from the original. Same name, same general plot, but a cop just like beauty 2 was.


I suppose she is, but personally for me there was never a 2nd beauty -Someone on another board was glad the new show still named the leading lady 'Catherine Chandler' -I guess that is a good point -I like KK just fine, but I'm not too sure of the reboot as a whole -I'll watch & see


for most there was only one beauty as well.


You can't deny Jo Anderson's Diana was a beauty as well and JA played her character with so much strength and devotion. If all you V&C fans only gave her a fair chance, just once, you would see what a great season the 3rd one actually is even though CC died.

I'm a huge Linda Hamilton fan, have all of her movies on dvd/dvd-r, and even though I hated the fact that she left the show I loved the third season with all it's action and Vincent's new friendship and bonding with Diana.

Like some other poster said in another topic, BatB was never meant as a fairytale kind of show, if it was, why was there so much action? Other people died as well, like Catherine's father or Ellie? The show was based on a fairytale but set in the real world. In the real world there is corruption, people do get murdered, etc.

Yes, Catherine was the love of Vincent's life, but like he said to Diana at the end, he was always thinking of Catherine and her! No matter how many times some fans will claim they were just friends, this was a hint that Vincent was indeed falling for Diana. And we all know that had the show continued Diana would have been Vincent's love interest and a stepmother to Jacob. And what would have been so horrible about that? Sometimnes it's like some of you hold a grudge against the Diana character or that's she's not allowed anywhere near Vincent and the tunnel world.


Speaking of characters dying, I'm suprised more did not die. Diana saved Father in one episode, but I'm surprised they didn't just kill him and let VIncent take over. George Martin wrote some interesting notes on a website long ago detailing how he would have continued the show. Anyway, I am one of the few brave enough to admit that I liked Diana more than Catherine, and season 3 best.


I have a book full of interviews with the makers and producers of the show in which they explain how the original 3rd season would have gone had Linda not left the show. All I can say is, wow... I guess if CBS had not ordered half a season instead of a full one and Linda had not been able to leave the show, it would have continued for about 2 more seasons.


Could you tell us what they said? I would love to know what would have happened had the show continued originally, and the show as it was.


Diana didn't have Catherine's warmth and femninity. She came off more like an action hero.
The main problem people had I think, is simply that she wasn't Catherine.
