Leaked CW memo

Has anyone else seen the leaked memo?




From the desk of Buddy Ackerman, Chief Development Executive

Subject: Beauty and the Beast (2012)

OK people, the pilot tested THROUGH THE ROOF and we are now going to series. I want ALL of you to get 200% behind this show as this could be bigger than "Supernatural" and "Smallville" put together. I have heard some rumblings that the show isn't "true to the original" - well who cares what a bunch of old fossils think? This is 2012, not 1812! We don't want to see a lion-faced freak who lives with bunch of ugly homeless people who wouldn't know what a Jimmy Choo was if one was planted in their faces! They may well have bought enough DVDs (Geez, haven't these guys heard of Blu?) to have brought the property to our attention, but - let's face it - they just haven't got the buying power of our core demographic. We've tried to keep them onside; we've given Ron Koslow a producer credit (don't worry - he's got no say in the way we're running the show) and have reached out to a few of the key personnel from the old show: Hamilton's a "maybe" for a cameo, Perlman's too expensive and we even tried one of the old producers/writers but apparently he's some big-shot author with an adaptation over with those bastards at HBO. Anyway, enough is enough - they don't like the way we're doing things, they can cry into their DVD collections.

Let's look at what we've got:

HOT female lead.
HOT male lead (so my secretary tells me, Buddy Ackerman don't swing that way).
The "Twilight" crowd will love the "cute but dangerous" factor, and we've added in a character from the original (Elliot Burch) to get that whole "love triangle" vibe the girls go wild for.
The comic book geeks will love Vincent's "Incredible Hulk" vibe.
Low start up costs - we're recycling a bunch of scripts from a cop show that we developed last year.

More marketing opportunities than any other show. These are just a few of those that are planned:
Vincent, the male lead, loves beer and WII - that's whatever beer company offers the most cash, and whichever games offer the most cash (and if Nintendo don't keep up the payments, we'll just go to Sony or Microsoft).
Elliot Burch will wear whatever designer clothes offer us the best terms, and we get a cut of the "Elliot Burch" ranges.
All the main characters will have Facebook and Twitter accounts. (Think captive audience and major data capture opps!)
In the original show, the two leads bonded over a bunch of books (I'm not making this up!). In our show, Vincent will be in an Emo band (chicks dig all that "sensitive" junk). We'll auction off slots to the record companies, and then release a soundtrack a couple of times a season. Plus, it saves us having to film anything expensive. Kerching!

1) May be entirely fabricated.
2) I'll be wanting a cut if they use any of my ideas.

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


Is this for real??????? I know producers/TPTB don't care about original show fans, but seeing it here really stings -A lot of fans I know are already calling this beast 'Hulkcent' -This only gives me more incentive not to watch -If you find anything else like this please let me know -Thanks!


No, it's not for real (look under the spoiler tags!) though it's probably closer to the truth than one might think (apparently they are recycling scripts from a show they planned last year).

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


Where did you find it? Was it written only to make original fans angry?


Too funny. It wouldn't have surprised me in the least if this happened to have been true.


Bumper Stickers:

Tonight's Your Lucky Night!


Thanks, India_Ana. I was beginning to think the British stereotype of Americans as not "getting" satire was true!

@ cathvin87. It was posted to raise a smile and not to offend - so apologies if you felt that way.

For anybody else coming upon this topic, even though explaining a joke will kill it:

Buddy Ackerman is the name of Kevin Spacey's evil producer in "Swimming with Sharks", AFAIK the only member of the old team thus far involved/approached is Ron Koslow (no idea how much say he has) though Hamilton's kind words towards the show make me think she may not object to a cameo.

"Let's look at what we've got": All confirmed apart from the Elliot Burch bit.

"Marketing": Beer and WII confirmed, the rest made up - though nothing there would surprise me. And I still want my cut if they nick any of those ideas!

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


I took no offense from you LeMarchand -Just from whoever wrote the 'memo', but it wouldn't surprise me if those were the general thoughts of producers, etc. b/c the main purpose is making money -I just had a knee-jerk reaction with all this 'new show' business


Though I haven't seen the reboot yet, I'm sure that there were conversations in the TV network boardroom along these lines.

There are so many supernatural/vampire/werewolf shows around to capitalise on the Twilight phenomena, that it's quite natural that TV execs went thru their catalogue of old shows to see what they could remake to fit their brief.

Reboots and following trends seems to be that many tv networks seem to operate these days - most dont like taking a chance on an original idea as they think it's too risky.


Sorry peepz, nothing against any of you, but sometimes I'm so ashamed to be a part of the Beauty and the Beast fancore. Give it a rest already. We've had our show, now it's time for a new one.

But hey, since I love the thrid season of our BatB I'm probably not really part of the fancore, since most didn't give that season a fair chance either.


Sorry peepz, nothing against any of you, but sometimes I'm so ashamed to be a part of the Beauty and the Beast fancore. Give it a rest already. We've had our show, now it's time for a new one.

Hear hear


I dont mind them remaking it but why do they have to do a tween version


I wouldn't have minded so much if they had used names other than Catherine & Vincent -To me there's not enough similarities between the two to relate them -other than the same basic theme - I'll give it a shot, but I have to look at it as 'A' beauty & the beast show, but not a remake of 'ours'


That's the problem: if it was "a" B&B show I'd have no problems with it. (Though I would still have very low expectations for a number of reasons).

However, the fact that it is being touted as a reboot of "our" show really rankles as they seem to have just taken the names and ignored all the parts that made the show special.

P.S. The Darius Campbell/Ruth Bradley B&B that never made it past pilot sounded quite interesting.

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


I don't know why they bothered naming them Catherine & Vincent -Did they think it would attract original series fans? -They could've named them Caitlyn & Vinson (or Victor) or better yet totally random names like Jason & Rachel
