Natural or Magical?

Maybe I've posted on this before, is there any discussion among fans on the nature of the baby's conception? It was probably natural, but I found it hard to believe. I was kind of thinking their magical bond somehow concieved this child in some mystical magical way. Father did say in the shades of grey episode their bond transcended time, space, adn the laws of physics. Vincent asks father what happened as if he has no memory, and yet no one seemed surprised at the news. Or was it something never meant to be explained?


I think they were afraid it would be seen as bestiality. Which may be why the reboot has a cute guy with a scar. They can have sex scenes without the illusion of bestiality. I could be wrong.


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I don't see why they couldn't do a next generation or continuation though. What I'd really like to see someday is a handsome and the beast tale. A man devoted to a wisted ugly woman would appeal to some lady fans I'm sure.


I like that idea! Btw, there's also been fanfics where Catherine is the 'beast' & Vincent is human


Magical, definately magical, there is no way that they engaged in intimacy then have Father find them dressed and Vincent looking like he was dead a moment ago.


I honestly didn't like that scene/arc at all -Catherine goes in alone where Vincent is raving mad, she screams when he charges at her, but no one from the camp comes to the rescue until after about an hour or so? when Father pops his head in & asks if Vincent is ok -I like to think they may have had sex before this event & that's when the child was conceived -I guess this is why the scene has been re-written so many times in fanfic


It was natural, no doubt about it. Catherine starts kissing Vincent while still wearing her coat and her hair messy.
After the lava-thing we see her without a coat and her hair no longer a mess.
Something happenend there!


she took advantage of her beloved while he lay dying in a coma? wow


You really don't get this show do you?
No, she knew the only way to save him was to love him, show her love for him. In that moment she let go all of her boundaries and fears.


I have been watching the series, and what I saw at the end of Season 2 was Katherine go into the dark cave, and then scream Vincents name, and that's it. Then at the begining of Season 3, it started with Katherine finding out that she was pregnant. I never saw anything that you all are talking about here, that is why I was so confused at the beginning of Season 3. I thought "Wait a minute", they didn't pick up from the scene at the end of Season 2. Did they decide to eliminate the scenes that you all are refering to on here, maybe because they didn't want it to be "A Natural" pregnancy, because of the fear of it being Beastiality? Help me understand, I am lost here. I am gonna go back to see if I did in deed miss something somewhere. In the mean time, could somebody please tell me exactly what happened after Katherine went in to see Vincent, and scream his name, I still am fuzzy on all of that- Lost and Confused


If you watched the show on tv back then or on dvd since it's been released you would have seen this:

Catherine goes into the cave where Vincent is going mad. His beastial side is taking over control and about to attack Catherine. When she screams his name her voice reaches his human side and he collapses. Affraid he's dying she starts kissing him. Everyone can see she's about to make love to him, but what we see is some sort of lava image and small images of V&C while the song The First Time I Loved Forever is playing. When the song is over we see Father going into the cave and he finds Catherine who's not wearing her coat anymore, her hair is falling different, etc. They've made love so much is clear! Don't believe those fans who want you to believe it was a magical conception, it wasn't. The only reason they didn't show us they made love was because CBS didn't allow the producers to such images.


Thank you. I feel so stupid. I went back, and realized that when I put the Season 3 on the first time, I accidentally skipped the very first part of the episode. I skipped right to when the nurse told Catherine that she was pregnant. I just figured they wanted to move things along, but I thought how confusing is this. I am so glad that I came across you discussing what happened, or I might not have gone back to discover that I missed a whole section (silly me). Thanks for filling me in though, I greatly appreciate it.


I agree that it happened naturally.

Wasn't that the whole point of the series? that Vincent was human and deserving of love just as much as the next person? regardless of his differring DNA? (I don't see him as "deformed" merely differently evolved - much like mutants on the X-men series are).
