MovieChat Forums > Beauty and the Beast (1987) Discussion > A family in Catherine's appartment!?

A family in Catherine's appartment!?

In one of the third season episodes, Vincent tells Father he found himself on Catherine's balcony and that a family lives there now.
Funny of you ask me, since it had only one bedroom while Catherine lived there. Both Laura and Michael had to sleep on the couch when they stayed at Catherine's because of that.


I thought that was odd too -Should've been a single person or a couple, but not a family -But then I wonder, were they trying to make a point out of that?


Trying to make a point out of that? I don't understand what you mean by that.
Hope you'll explain that one to me. Thanks already! :-)


A family -something that Vincent will never have -(not fully) -He can only be an outsider looking in on other's complete lives ---Just a fleeting thought of mine

