So I'm ignored?

So I'm ignored once again, just because some BatB fans ignore fans who like the 3rd season?


I'm not ignoring you, I just don't have anything to say. I haven't seen the show since it originally aired. And from what I do remember about the series, I hated the third season with a passion.

Maybe I'll get around to rewatching at some point, and then I might have something to discuss with whoever might still be here. I mostly just lurk for now.



Ignored? No.

Paranoid? Maybe.

This isn't the busiest sub forum on IMDb and apart from the (so far unpromising) remake, there's not a lot new to discuss.

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


Paranoid? I don't think so. Over the years I've learned that some silly fans ignore and even bash BatB fans who love the thrid season. Some claim only fans of the first 2 seasons are real BatB fans and that those who love all three seasons need to be banned.


So? Who sits around whining about crap like this? So what if people don't care about the third season, and have no desire to discuss it with those who do? Grow up, get over it, and move on.

I like most of season 3, even though I'm a huge Catherine fan, and never once have I even thought about whether other people would accept it or not. It's just a TV show. Why does it matter what anybody else thinks?

Favorite Pastime: Feeding Trolls


It's more about other topics I started I this board, none of the die hards seems to react, but they do react to stupid topics about what Vincent's d*** would look like.

And believe it or not, to most BatB fans it does matter what other fans think. As soon as they realise another fan likes the third season he or she is out/ignored.


Have you considered that maybe people are just being polite and not wanting to start an argument?

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


Again, I'm not talking about 3rd season posts, but when I start a topic about least favorite eps no one responds, all because it's started by a fan who loves all three seasons? People rather respond to ridiculous topics about Vincents dick?


I wouldn't respond to 'least favorite eps' threads no matter who started them. Those types of threads don't interest me.


Hubert Newsome's Daily 'Word of the Day' Blog


Good lord!

You start one topic and only get one reply (that you were somewhat offhand about) and everyone hates you? *Looks down list* cathvin87 has started 4 with NO replies, and I've started 2. Do you see us crying that everyone hates us?

Perhaps you should see if you can befriend Spike Lee, he's got a bit of a chip on his shoulder, too.

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.
