MovieChat Forums > Beauty and the Beast (1987) Discussion > I met Linda Hamilton yesterday

I met Linda Hamilton yesterday

I wanna post my pics but I don't know how to do that, I got them on my facebook.

I will say this, she was nice very beautiful and I could not believe how amazing she is. She knows about the new BATB and doesn't seem to be all against it cause when I said it won't be the same as her's and Ron's she said 'It might' with that I decided to give it a shot. Just one though.

Anyways she was really awsome.


I'm so happy you got a chance to meet her, she's very nice -The only way I've been able to post pics on IMDB is to first post them on tinypics or photobucket & then post that link -hope that helps -I'm going to watch the new show out of curiosity, but I have to view it as a different show, not a remake of ours -If they would only change Catherine's last name it would be enough for me -Even one letter, like Chambler -but then again who am I, but a lowly viewer?


If it only was just another different BATB show and not a reboot or remake or have any ties to our BATB show I would be more then happy about it. And yes Linda was nice and so beautiful. I will try out what you suggested.


Great for you.
I contacted her 2 years ago (from The Netherlands) to tell her that it was her openess about her bipolar disorder that made me realise I suffer from the exact same dirorder. She was very nice in our emailcontact as well and was glad to hear from someone (a fan of all people) who claims she helped. She's a first class act!


I am glad to hear this, she is a truly wonderful person.
