MovieChat Forums > Beauty and the Beast (1987) Discussion > CW`s Beauty+Beast most likely is getting...

CW`s Beauty+Beast most likely is getting picked up ate/#comment-2609303

Along with early frontrunners ARROW and THE CARRIE DIARIES, I hear BEAUTY & THE BEAST came in good and is picking up momentum


Various places are now showing this as a definite pickup.

May God have mercy on our souls.

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


May God have mercy on our souls.

^ Ditto


Dear all of you,

why not give this show a chance? Stop complaining before it's even made. It probably won't be like 'our' BatB, but it's not pretending to be either since it's not a remake.
Give it a chance or give it a rest. We have 'our' BatB on dvd's and in our hearts, but that time has passed. It's not 1987-1990 anymore.

I'm a BatB fan since day one, but I am excited for this new BatB.


...erm, the problem is that it is a remake/reboot/regurgitation/whatever.

The ABC version(the one with Darius) was just another reinterpretation of the story, and I was actually quite looking forward to seeing it. I guess that as "Once Upon A Time" got a well-deserved second season and was already covering the tale ABC felt they had enough Fairy Tale Land on the schedules.

You could be right - most people (though not me) had written off Ron Moore's BSG before it aired - but I'm not holding my breath.

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


@Treg1980 -All the promotions for this show claimed to be based on the 87 show, but I disagree -While it is still a B&B type theme, the pilot scenario I've read sounded awful -If they had called the main characters names other than Catherine & Vincent I wouldn't take it so much to heart -I will watch the first ep to see how it is -If it's good, then fine, but I still can't view it as a re-make of 'our' show, but only as 'a' B&B themed show -I think a lot could've been done with a true re-make (still updated, but more like the original character descriptions & storyline) -Basically, it's just not what I'd hoped for


by - Treg1980

on Wed May 16 2012 01:39:10

Dear all of you,

why not give this show a chance?

I plan on giving the show a chance. It will never be anything like the old show, and it shouldn't be identical to it anyways. As long as they manage to keep the feel and charm of the old show, I'll be on board the whole season. I've got my fingers crossed.


Bumper Stickers:

Tonight's Your Lucky Night!


Another annoyance is that this new show's existence pretty much crushes any hope of a "true to the source" remake/sequel any time in the near future.

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.
