How did the series end?

I'm just wondering how the series finished? I do know that Linda Hammiltons character was killed at the end of series 2 but what happened after that? Or was the series just cancelled and never given a proper resolution?


The main 'ending' the series gave us was Vincent rescuing the baby he and Catherine had - and Gabriel (who was responsible for Catherine's death) being killed by Diana (with Catherine's gun).

Whether or not Vincent and Diana would have ever developed a close relationship together... we'll never know.

But yes, there was a 'conclusion' for those that watched the series as it originally aired on CBS. The creators of the show made sure of that, to the point they even re-arranged the way certain episodes of the show aired at the time - so as not to leave viewers hanging. It was pretty damn cool.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


I am glad it ended, I could never see Vincent with anyone else other then Catherine, course if it had been my baby I would have ended it with Catherine living below with Vincent.


I'm not glad it ended. Jo Anderson made a great Diana and I would have loved seeing how their relationship developed. Allthough some say that she supposedly was the new beauty, we all know she was. The producers hoped to make 1 or 2 seasons after the third one and Diana was the new beauty. Sadly we never saw that relationship develop. I'm a huge Linda Hamilton fan, but she wanted out herself and we had to live with that decision. I for one had no problem accepting Diana as the new beauty and she brought a lot of power to the 3rd season. And no matter how much I hate the fact that Catherine died, I do love watching the third season, just because of Diana/Jo Anderson's presense.


Nothing against the actress but having a new beauty would just feel wrong, I mean did they replace Leonard Nimoy as Spock in the movies? (the old ones not the new one with Zachary Quinto). A new beauty just wouldn't seem the same or something worth watching at least for me, don't get me wrong, Diana did great in her help with Vincent but like I said, Catherine was the it for Vincent.

Linda Hamilton had the best chemistry with Ron Perlman on the set, that is why they are both so missed.


Or is that some just did not want Jo Anderson to have chemistry with Ron? Some fans only wanted a Vincent/Catherine storyline or nothing at all. Not saying you're one of them, but it bothers me how short sighted some fans are/were. I know it's just a series with fictional characters, but in that fictional world, I would wish Vincent to find new love instead of mourning Catherine for the rest of his life. And to me, Ron and Jo had great chemistry. Not like he had with Linda, but one of their own!


I respectfully disagree -I am one that believes the only one for Vincent is Catherine -I think the writers were purposely cruel when Linda wanted to leave -to break their bond defeated the whole basis of the show -V being connected w/C so he could help her in times of need plus being a romantic bond -To make a bond w/another woman would've made the bond itself 'not as special' imo -As I have said many times I would've preferred a Linda-look-alike even though the chemistry probably wouldn't have been the same either but still I'd rather have had 'a' Catherine rather than no Catherine -And it's not that I didn't like Diana's character -I thought she was really beautiful & smart but not as a new love interest for Vincent -If she had been the leading lady from the start I would've been fine w/that but I just couldn't accept any other woman for Vincent to be with except Catherine -and I think that is also one of the reasons the show was canceled b/c so many others couldn't accept it either -But that's another good reason we have fanfic! Vincent could have Catherine back or form a relationship w/Diana -a choice of endings for everyone!


Hey Cathvin87,

You're right about the writers being purposely cruel with Catherine's fate. In one of the official books I have George R.R. Martin explains how angry they were when Linda announced she'd leave the show. Looking back he called it a childish act, but that's how they felt.

But the show wasn't cancelled because Linda had left. The show was allready on the edge of cancellation during the latest episodes of the second season. They were losing lots of viewers in the US. That's also the reason CBS only ordered 12 episodes for the 3rd season instead of a full season.


I'm not glad it ended. Jo Anderson made a great Diana and I would have loved seeing how their relationship developed. Allthough some say that she supposedly was the new beauty, we all know she was. The producers hoped to make 1 or 2 seasons after the third one and Diana was the new beauty. Sadly we never saw that relationship develop. I'm a huge Linda Hamilton fan, but she wanted out herself and we had to live with that decision. I for one had no problem accepting Diana as the new beauty and she brought a lot of power to the 3rd season. And no matter how much I hate the fact that Catherine died, I do love watching the third season, just because of Diana/Jo Anderson's presense.
I agree 110%.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


Linda left so as not to miscarry her baby. Why not just put her in a coma for nine months until her real life baby was born, and then wake her up again? That would have been a Bobby Ewing solution to the conundrum, and kept the series alive in the mean time.

My Gallery:



Well said dwarflover63! -I totally agree! -If the writers hadn't been so angry (& stupid) there could've been a more imaginative way to temporarily write out the character (or use a look-a-like actress) & write her back in at the end of the series :) w/a happily ever after!


I agree! I enjoyed the first two seasons then and now, but I always preferred Jo Anderson and the character of Diana to Linda Hamilton and Catherine. I have never considered Linda to be beautiful (an opinion not shared by many, I'm sure), and Catherine was a little too soft and dreamy. I liked Jo's looks and Diana's gentle pragmatism. I really enjoyed the third season and wish the series could have continued. If the series is ever redone, I hope they write Catherine's character closer to that of Diana's.


I read that Linda Hamilton quite the series because she feared miscarrying her real life baby at the time. So, in effect, she made a Catherine decision, and placed her family before her career!

My Gallery:


I read that Linda Hamilton quite the series because she feared miscarrying her real life baby at the time.

Partly true. Linda wanted to work less hours because of her pregnancy. The producers said no. But when CBS ordered half a season instead of a full third season, Linda's had a legal reason to get out of her contract.
And since Linda wanted to be a feature actress instead of a television actress she grabbed her chance.

But she did fear for miscarrying her baby, since she already miscarried during the beginning of the second season. She blamed her miscarriage on bad working conditions on the BatB set.

So, in effect, she made a Catherine decision, and placed her family before her career!

A Catherine decision by placing her family before her career? Catherine investigated a very dangerous case while being pregnant. If you ask me, Catherine cared more about a dangerous case than she did about her baby. I never understood that decision. She should have handed the black book to Moreno and let him handle the case.


I haven't seen those episodes yet, where her onscreen persona is pregnant too. I'm still stuck in the middle of the 2nd season (just finished watching the Quasimodo one with the Dragon Man). However, I've read that the way the writers handled her demise was motivated by a petty sense of vengefulness at her decision to leave. My Catherine Decision comment was based on Catherine's decision to turn down the job opportunity and promotion in Rhode Island so as to remain close to Vincent.

My Gallery:


I've read that the way the writers handled her demise was motivated by a petty sense of vengefulness at her decision to leave.

True, George R.R. Martin, of the shows writers/producers admitted this in one of the official BatB books I have. He said it was quite childish and they just should have let her leave and wish her well. But at the point they felt like they were loosing a big part of the show and didn't know how to handle it well.
No one thought a Catherine recast would work, also no one would buy Catherine taking a job in another state. So killing off Catherine and replace her with a new beauty was the only logical decision.

My Catherine Decision comment was based on Catherine's decision to turn down the job opportunity and promotion in Rhode Island so as to remain close to Vincent.

I get it! ;-)


They could have put her in a nine month coma, and then reawaken her! They could have made a dream sequence like Bobby Ewing! They could have had her take a leave of absence like she did in real life and then have her make guest appearances until she had the baby.

My Gallery:


They could have put her in a nine month coma, and then reawaken her! They could have made a dream sequence like Bobby Ewing! They could have had her take a leave of absence like she did in real life and then have her make guest appearances until she had the baby.

No they couldn't! Like I said, Linda got the chance to leave the show since her contract obligated her to full seasons, not half seasons. And since there was nothinh she wanted more, she left.
The producers begged her to elt them wrap up the Vincent/Catherine storyline, so she agreed to return for the first 2 episodes of the 3rd season, but that was it.

Linda wanted to work less hours before she learned about CBS' order of a half season instead of a full season. Had CBS ordered a full 3rd season Linda had to fullfill her contract and Catherine never would have died. Both Linda and Ron had a contract for 5 full seasons.
But then again, had CBS ordered a full 3rd season, it would have been the last season anyway since the show lost a lot of ratings.


It was losing its ratings because of the non action in the romance between Vincent and Catherine, not even a real kiss. The should have at least shown then lying in bed together every once and a while. If there had been more real romance, it would have stayed popular, I believe. As it was, even in the 1st season, these artificial crisis problems continued to interfere with the REAL story, which was the romance between the Lion Faced Man, and the Beautiful Lady.

My Gallery:



Right red rackham! -If I could've written 3rd season I would've had Catherine 'thought' to be dead, but later found by Vincent (either a look-a-like actress or Linda if she'd agree to a final ep) -And even as 3rd season as it was I'd would've at least preferred a hint Catherine could still be alive -like at the very end showing a private hospital w/her fingers twitching -wouldn't even have to show her face


Not with me, I would have though 'Forget a third season' just have Catherine and Vincent together with their child living below, all of Catherine's loved ones thought she was murdered and they lead on with their lives while Catherine is finally able to live out her days with the man she loves.


Hi gurt, While I understand the ratings were already lowering which may have been due to C&V's relationship standing still & not moving forward -But even more so the suits wanted more action, less romance & I also believe they couldn't count ratings accurately b/c people may have taped it & watched it later -I also still think Linda's leaving was a major factor for a lot of fans becoming disenchanted w/the series -and introducing 'any' new beauty was illogical & a bad move for the show imo -I just didn't like the writer's solutions for these stumbling blocks -but I know there are also some fans who like 3rd season which is anyone's prerogative -It just wasn't my cup of tea


I think if the head of CBS programmming (who really cared about B&B) hadn't left right before Season 3 started airing, the show would have had a much better chance of having (at least) a 'full' 3rd season.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


i'm one of the very few people that actually liked season 3 over the other two. I liked beauty number 2 better just because i liked her character. i also thought it had a better story to follow. I don't know how they would have gotten around the baby, but I think it ended with a lot of potential. At least it ended though.



I liked D ok, but not as a love interest for Vincent & I didn't like that Catherine was killed off or that the story was expected to continue for the following reasons:

-When Vincent lost the bond w/Catherine -I know it was supposed to be b/c of the baby, but imo the baby was a bad move for the story
-Bringing a baby into the picture had V looking for a babysitter every time he had to run & save the day
-If the bond was broken w/C & V was expected to develop a 'new bond' w/D it made it less special, less magical, less romantic, which I know it was the producers goal to be more action/less romance, but it only lost loyal fans w/out gaining new ones
-No amount of mourning would console V -Vincent is a unique being unto himself -He would love C forever

-I'm a diehard C&V fan, no offense to others, but I can't accept it any other way



-When Vincent lost the bond w/Catherine -I know it was supposed to be b/c of the baby, but imo the baby was a bad move for the story
-Bringing a baby into the picture had V looking for a babysitter every time he had to run & save the day
-If the bond was broken w/C & V was expected to develop a 'new bond' w/D it made it less special, less magical, less romantic, which I know it was the producers goal to be more action/less romance, but it only lost loyal fans w/out gaining new ones
-No amount of mourning would console V -Vincent is a unique being unto himself -He would love C forever

@cathvin87 that was pretty much my view. I quit watching after the ep where Catherine died and I only watched that to finish the story for myself. I know nothing about Diana , I'm glad to say.

The set-up of the story was their unique bond and love. The Oh-Catherine-died-so-here's-another negated the thrust of the first two seasons *for me*. In fairy tales true love lasts forever -- even if that's the only place it does.

---with only minutes to react we've somehow been killed by a stick insect -- Londinieres


i do understand that, and i'm sure they would have had him haunted for several season had it gone on, but at least that way they ended on a good not for V.


It's not that I didn't like D, but Vincent just lost Catherine and needed time to mourn like for a season or two then a romance. I hate when a character moves on to quick.

Vincent did not move on to quick at all. He and Diana never kissed or laid in each other's arms or anything. Yes he cared a lot about her and in the last episode he admitted to her that he always thought about Catherine... and her! But... Why not?
He mourned Catherine for 10 episodes, she was mentioned again and again, but here was this other woman (Diana) who was more than a good friend to him, risked her own life to get Jacob back to Vincent.

I'd like to think that Catherine send Diana to Vincent, that she picked Diana as a good friend with the potential for more. It was partly because of Diana's friendship that Vincent could move on with his life, that and the fact that Catherine had left him their son.


She was kidnapped by evil baddie Gabriel, who wanted her and Vincent's son. After the baby was born Gabriel had no need of her and she was given a lethal injection. Vincent finds her as she is dying and learns of their son...

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


To:ingke86 Gabriel kidnapped her b/c she had a book w/his criminal info -He tortured her, but she didn't tell him where it was -Since Vincent had lost his bond w/her he couldn't find her -She tapped on the pipes & he attempted to save her -Gabriel drove away w/her after seeing Vincent -Then Gabriel wanted the baby Catherine carried & kept her in room until her labor began -Vincent sensed the baby & again tried to rescue her -But the doctor injected Catherine w/morphine(?) -But yet she climbed up to the roof where Vincent was watching Gabriel w/the baby fly off in a helicopter -Catherine told Vincent they had a child together & died in his arms -I HATED it!



I really wish they had just finished up Beauty and the Beast with a made-for-TV 2-hour long movie instead of doing the third season. Maybe Catherine and Vincent could have gotten married all while dealing with some big crime or something. Catherine and Vincent's relationship was the heart of the show. Without it, it just didn't have that same magic. I don't think Vincent would ever move on after losing Catherine and Diana was a lack-luster "replacement." They should have just finished it up with whatever episodes Linda Hamilton was willing to make and then ended it there instead of dragging out Vincent's misery for an entire season.


Agreed! Ilikequiche101 -That would've been a much better idea!


by - Ilikequiche101

on Sat Jan 7 2012 01:16:50

I really wish they had just finished up Beauty and the Beast with a made-for-TV 2-hour long movie instead of doing the third season.

Or even a 6 to 10 hour mini-series. However many hours Linda was willing to agree to. I would have so much preferred they end the series with a 'happily ever after' than kill Catherine off. Nothing short of hiring a new actress to play Catherine would have saved the show anyways. As far as I'm concerned.



I'm just grateful it ended period. Many shows end with a cliffhanger. At least it ended on a good note, if not the one we wanted.
