CW's Beauty has been cast

What do you think?

I like her, but I'm still leary of the pilot script -I'm trying to think of it has a whole new show not a re-make of ours


Why do they make it sound like it has nothing to do with our beloved BATB, that it is just a reboot, I hate that. And I can't see KK playing Catherine, damn I wish there was a big confirmation that the show won't go on or worst; it is.


Well, since it's a fairy tale, there's no copyright on the name, but I would love it if they would call it something else. I liked KK in Smallville (much better actress than the gal who played Lois, who I never liked), but still--OUR BATB, as you call it!, was so lovingly made, I can't stand the thought of a "reboot", whatever the heck that might mean. Fortunately, I don't get cable, only Netflix, and I don't have any local friends left who watch fantasy, so I will likely miss it.



You can watch full episodes (most recent ones) of CW series at


It isn't a re-make of 'our' BatB. Ours??
Anyway, it isn't, since the circumstances are different in this version.
They might use the same names, but it's a different show.

Nothing will or can ever be the same as Beauty and the Beast (1987).

The best thing to do is to let it go. They'll make this show no matter what fans of the 'old' BatB think of it. And good for them.
I'll give the show a fair chance. If I like it that's great, if I don't, who cares.
I'll always have my dvd's of the original series and that's all that matters to me.


You know what? It never occurred to me it is a "reboot," and not a "remake." So, okay, I'm not so ticked about it anymore. I was going to give it a chance anyways, but now I won't be comparing the two because they aren't trying to recreate the old show as is. Still, I wish someone would put some shows out that had the romance of the old 'Beauty And The Beast,' and other shows/movies like 'Roswell,' 'Twilight,' etc.



I've calmed down a bit from the shock of the differences -The writers/CW will do whatever they want -I'll just have to resign myself to the fact that it is what it is -And yes I still have my DVD's & fanfic to enjoy


Kristin Kreuk is a talented actress and she is a Major Beauty


It might turn out alright. The Nikita reboot is pretty fun to watch!
