Another CW Casting


Vincent "Koslow", huh?

Still haven't made up my mind about giving this a try, but it isn't looking good.

America...Land of the free, because of the brave.
A Marine's Daughter


I was very disappointed reading that script, but I'll watch out of curiosity -I'm trying to view it as a show seperate from 'ours'


Yeah, I guess that's the way to do it. Just keep them separated in your mind.

America...Land of the free, because of the brave.
A Marine's Daughter


Don't try, it ís a show seperate from 'ours'.

Our BatB was 27 years ago and it's one of the best tv-shows ever (in my opinion) and I'm a die hard fan ever since it first aired. But that was then.
This BatB is now. I'll give it a try. If I like it that's great. But if I don't, who cares?
We have the dvd's of 'our' BatB and can rewatch it again and again.

Even if this BatB would be a complete remake of the old series, would it satisfy any of us as such a thing? I don't think so, because what we all love and want is the show as it was with Ron and Linda and all the others, not someone else in the exact same roles.
But since this new BatB will have a completely different style I will not compare it to 'our' show for one minute.
