Has anyone ever wondered..

What ages Vincent and Catherine really were during the course of the show? I don't remember there ever being episodes to commemorate birthdays. If you thought about this, would you say they were the same ages as the actors or did the writers of the show have something else in mind?

Just some random thing to think about.


In episode 22 "A Happy Life" Catherine talks about it being 20 years since her mother died, and that she was 10 when she died. So that would make her 30. But Linda Hamilton was 31 in real life at that time. But Catherine's gravestone says she was born in 1956 same year as Linda Hamilton.


Ah yes. Interesting that instead of creating Catherine as a girl in her twenties, they made her someone who obviously has life experience and is older than you would first believe. I was surprised really when I found out Linda's age during the show for the first time. I'd thought she was at least in her late 20s. So that would make Vincent almost 40. Aside from good acting, what were they leading up to? People who had been waiting for love for nearly a lifetime? Makes sense, since Vincent's emotional scars run so deep only someone as perfect for him as Catherine could heal them.



Vincent seemed to be around the same age as Father's son and he was around Catherine's age so I guess Vincent and Catherine were close to the same age.


in the episode where Father has to go above and is thrown in jail for murder he says he hasn't been above for 35 years. I thought he found Vincent and then went below so would that make Vincent about 35?

It’s good to dream


No, Father had already established the underground world when Vincent was brought to him


Thank you for clairfying.

It’s good to dream


Old thread but I am watching the show and during the Winterfest episode Father was talking about it and Vincent's first time there and he mentioned a third of a decade so that's about 33 years.

