Choice for Catherine

Nothing against the other choice for Catherine but when the question was asked to me I said Amber or Nikki Reed. And Sam Worthington as Vincent.


Nikki Reed & Sam Worthington would make a good Catherine & Vincent, I'm just not sure if they'd be interested in a tv series (?) They're so popular right now & busy making movies -Alexandra Daddario & Alice Eve were some other actresses I've thought of -Although Alice is also making movies now -However, Nikki Reed is finished making the Twilight saga -I wish there was a site where we could make suggestions! :)


"I wish there was a site where we could make suggestions! :)"

You and me both, course I would be suggesting to all the twilight cast to walk out of this pieces of *beep* of romance.


Honestly? I don't even think this should be made. Why tamper with a classic? But if it must be made, NOT Amber Benson because I don't think she could act. And I can't think of anyone they could cast as Vincent. They're likely to pick some young teenage cast and it'll turn into crap. The 9/11/dna mutation crap is bad enough... ~Dark Shadows Role-playing Games. Join us!


@GothicRomanceFan: The comments I made above were waaay before I read that horrible leaked script! (See thread: Reboot Update Disappointing) I know nothing could ever replace or be as good as the original -I had such high hopes that it would be at least pretty good, but I agree that this will be a train wreck! That is if it ever makes it to a pilot :(


We can only pray it doesn't get made. And if it does, I know it will fail. Nothing will come close to capturing the magic the original show conveyed. I can't believe they are getting rid of the Tunnel Community! That was 80 percent of the reason I watched the show! The whole concept of these ordinary people living below, simple lives fascinated me...and now they are going to kill that by being so blatantly disrespectful as adding 9/11 into it. ~Dark Shadows Role-playing Games. Join us!


I know what you mean, believe me, I am not a fan of the idea at all. But if it is confirm, we can't stop it, all we can do is hope for the best. As for a teenager casted for Vincent, oh man that is the one thing I am hoping will definately not happen and yes the show was a classic, it still is.

"The 9/11/dna mutation crap is bad enough..."

What is that another series?


"The 9/11/dna mutation crap is bad enough..."

LOL! OMG no! I read that in this spoilers article about the new B&TB. Apparently this is what happens to Vincent, that he's some doctor or w/e and gets hurt doing 9/11...and then evil people get him and inject him Sounds like a different series, doesn't it? ~Dark Shadows Role-playing Games. Join us!


Then it looks like it wouldn't be the same BATB that we love, if they can do that I would be more then happy, just leave Vincent and Catherine and our BATB alone.
