MovieChat Forums > Beauty and the Beast (1987) Discussion > CW REBOOT OF 'OUR' BEAUTY + THE BEAST!!!

CW REBOOT OF 'OUR' BEAUTY + THE BEAST!!! sic-beauty-and-the-beast/

This is different from the ABC show! This is a reboot of OUR show! I can't believe it! I'm almost hyperventilating! I HOPE, HOPE, HOPE it's a good adaptation & it will have the HAPPY ending C&V deserved! -AAAAHHHHH!!!!!

I think Amber Benson would make a good Catherine & Kevin Durand would make a good Vincent -I realize any re-make will ever have the magic that Linda & Ron brought to the screen, but TPTB will have their way, I just hope it's at least half as good as ours was -I'm trying to think positively!


That link isn't working for me. Hopefully this will be OK: sic-beauty-and-the-beast/#more-250869

It's unfair to judge a show on it's announcement, but it's for CW. The leads will be teenagers, Catherine will be torn between the goodness of Vincent and the evil sexiness of Elliot Burch and the poetry and literature will be replaced by sub-standard emo ballads. Yech.

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


...and the I can't see the Tunnel community (one of my favourite parts of B&B - certainly much more interesting than Catherine's "DA" adventures) making it. "Like, who wants to watch ugly people in cast-off clothes?"

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


When you edited your post, a space was added to the link and broke it: sic-beauty-and-the-beast/

I sometimes add the link a second time without activating it just for that very reason. Then if the link is broken, posters can copy/paste the non-active link.

Writer Workshops:


Damn, beat me to it!

Well, I'm not sure what I think about this. On the one hand, it'll bring attention to "our" show, meaning new fans! On the other, this IS the CW we're talking about, so, like someone else said, I can't see them making a show about adult, non-beautiful people (I'm talking about the Tunnel community here, not Catherine). Goodness knows I love The Vampire Diaries, but if they make Beauty and the Beast just another version of that with adult characters, I will scream.

Hmmm... guess I'm being sort of pessimistic here, but really, I just don't see a need to reboot such a wonderful series. But you know what, I bet classic Battlestar Galactica fans said the same thing when SciFi rebooted BSG, and look how that turned out; the reimagining was 10000 times better than the original! So we'll have to wait and see.

"He's already attracted to her. Time and monotony will do the rest."


Yes. I'm hoping for the best, but expecting the worst. Can't get disappointed that way, and any potential prospects can only go up ... or stay flatlined.

Writer Workshops:


^ I'm trying to hope for the best as well -I like Vampire Diaries too, but NOT a B&B version of it! -It may not be on the air until Sept. 2012 (?) We may have quite a while to discuss the pros & cons of a reboot! -I talked w/one of my B&B friends earlier this evening & we've both decided to send positive vibes into the universe & hopefully the show will be good & also possibly C&V might get a happy ending this time! -Here's hoping!


Considering that Amber and Kevin are two of the worst actors that could possibly be picked for these roles, I can tell that your idea of "good adaptation" is pretty bleak(since you like TVD - which is a cheap rip of "Twilight."). Just because Kevin is tall and funky-looking doesn't mean he could pull off the beast - he's too skinny number 1, number 2 - he's not even close to being remotely imposing.

And who the hell will they get to do the makeup? The hack losers that did cheap rubber, halloween mask, unrealistic prosthetic POS' like "Buffy," "Angel," and TVD? The makeup for these *beep* shows is ridiculous. The original makeup artist was Rick Baker, you really can't get better than that. And they can't do the makeup with special effects CG since the terrible scenes in "Ringer" have been universally panned already, that is the extent of the CW's special effects department.


Well, You're a positive thinker!


Over my dead body!!!!! This CW we are talking about all they care about is facy beauties and they express the superficiallty of kids today. Their shows are unintelligent and connect to the dumbest parts of human emotion. In other words fudder for the brain.


I know the outlook is not great red rackham 77, but if the show does get on the air it will be whatever it will be -I'm hoping for a good outcome, I know any remake will never be as magical & wonderful as what we've already seen on our beloved B&B -But all we can do is make sure the CW knows the feelings of the devoted fans from the original show -I'm hoping the only modern changes are that Catherine has a cell phone & the procedural twist is that she's more involved w/investigations & not be under at least 25 years old! -And that Vincent & the tunnel dwellers are the same too -I know that's a hefty wish list -We'll just have to wait & see what happens -If the show is not up to par, it will tank -But if it's at least half of what we had on the original it might be ok -It also may be quite a while (maybe fall of 2012) before the remake airs (if it even comes to pass) -All we can do is hope for the best


True but I still wish that it wouldn't happened.


I have noticed that some of the "reboot" series are more like they pick up 10 or 20 years later with a new cast. Any chance they would do this with "Beauty and the Beast"? It seems they could do that with Jacob being in his early 20's and finding love but struggling with his beast side. The CW seems to like their shows to have young characters and I think I would rather see them go that way rather than make Vincent and Catherine ten years younger than they were in the original series. To see how Jacob turned out growing up without his mother and trying to figure out his role in the world could be very interesting.


I never thought of that but CW are snobish and all they want is like you said young characters and teen drama romance. Crap that messed up Smallville and stuff.


I don't need or want a remake. There's only one BatB for me!



Okay I take back what I said before, I still believe that originals are the best but if they want to bring back BATB don't reboot it, I mean for those of us who have seen it we know how Catherine and Vincent meet and all that. In my FF writing for BATB I pictured my cast to be the following.

Catherine Chandler- Nikki Reed

Vincent- Sam Worthington

Jacob Wells- Derek Jacobi

Mouse- Jamie Bell

Elliot Burch- Jensen Ackles

Mary- Julie Christie

Paracelsus- Stephen McHattie

Charles Chandler- Christopher Plummer

Joe Maxwell- Jason Ritter

Narcissa- Lisa Gay Hamilton

Unless they wanna make a movie of how Catherine could have been saved from her fate with Gabriel then I am all for that just PLEASR no reboot.


Why, I think Amber Benson would be a good choice as the new Catherine, she even slightly looks like Linda Hamilton.

I am trying to stay positive about this - won't place my expectations very high and definitely will try not to compare to the original BATB. This could still prove to be a good show - like someone said above, look what happened with te Battlestar Galactica reboot. In any case, it sure couldn't be worse than Season 3 of BATB or that dreadful Beastly movie. I say bring it on!

-Goodnight, mother of six!
-Goodnight, father of two!


Thanks! I'm hoping the series will choose someone at least over 25! I think if we all think positively the show will be ok! :)


I hate the CW...EXCEEEEEPT it does have one of my all-time favorite television shows ever on it...Supernatural. Yes, Sam and Dean are hunky BUT they are also great actors and not afraid to be goofy, or funny, or even romantic on some occasions. All I'm saying is let's not write off a show just for being on that never know!

I agree that they'd have to keep the tunnel community, maybe they'll turn em into like a steam punk version since that's all the rage. It'd be kind of a cool update?

No one will ever match Ron or Linda but this could be a chance to give the two characters a happier ending...

If it does come to fruition we should all look at it as it's own show...of course it can never compare to the original but...maybe as it's own show it'll be pretty good! Ya just never know!


I love your outlook digit 7766! -Steampunk would be a great theme -Imagine what Mouse could come up with! -I saw Amber Benson (my choice for Catherine) on Supernatural -LOVE those guys!


is this supposed to be a like a teen drama version? I just found out about this? Anyone hear anything?


I haven't read/heard any details, just that the show will be updated & have a 'procedural twist' -Hopefully this means Catherine will be more involved in investigations -I hope the characters are not teens! At least over 25 would be ok I guess -We might have to wait until the year is almost over before it airs & that's IF it's chosen to air -I do hope it's good & that the ending is a happy one for Catherine & Vincent this time!


i wonder how they'll do the new characters? Diana, Jacob and the tunnel folk. Maybe some of the poetry references? How are they going to top his voice? I wonder about what he'll look like this time. I wonder if Perlman will make an appearance or something.


I did a Google search and most of the sites listed were dated September 2011, but a few were recent.

As for "Beauty and the Beast", it is described as a modern-day romantic love story with a procedural twist. The project, which is loosely based on the 1980s series starring Ron Perlman and Linda Hamilton, has a script written by Jennifer Levin and Sherri Cooper who also executive produce along with Ron Koslow, Paul Junger Witt, C. Anthony Thomas and Bill Haber. y-and-the-beast-reboot/

. . . as has the new version of the 1980s series Beauty and the Beast. Described as “loosely based” on the CBS show starring Linda Hamilton and Ron Perlman, the 21st Century Beauty and the Beast is a “modern day romantic love story with a procedural twist” with a script by Jennifer Levin and Sherri Cooper. -beast-cw-21872/

And finally, Beauty and the Beast will be loosely based on the cult-favorite TV series from 1987. The CBS show ran for three seasons and 56 episodes, starring Ron Pearlman and Linda Hamilton. In addition to romance, the new version will also include a “procedural twist.” Jennifer Levin (Felicity) and Sherri Cooper (Brothers and Sisters) will write and executive-produce along with original series executive producers Paul J. Witt and C. Anthony Thomas, creator Ron Koslow, and Bill Haber (Rizolli & Isles).

Interestingly, ABC (which is owned by Disney) is developing their own Beauty and the Beast project. It’s expected to be more of a traditional take on the classic fairy tale.



If this reboot any where resembles that piece of crap "Beastly" I will crash my car into the CW building.

I don't mind a reboot. If they actually stick close to the original.

In fact remember the Tarzan tv series way back that WB did? That show to me remeinded me of Beauty and the Beast. Except it was missing Ron Pearlman.

Whoever they cast as Vincent? He better have that voice that Ron Pearlman had.


That's pretty cool that they've got some of the original producers!! I really don't think they'll have this be a teen thing as some people are fearing. The procedural twist would have to mean that the Catherine character would be post-school/post-bottom rung of the ladder for whatever career they'll have her be in this time (whether its assistant DA again or maybe she'll be a detective this time).

I just hope they get some unknown people, a true fresh start! :)
I'll be keeping my eye on this ooh boy :D


One thing great about this. Catherine will be alive again.


You know what. I change my mind after reading the preview.

Vincent is now gonna be a former genetically engineered Soldier. What the hell CW?
