Vincent's Origin

Did they ever talk about Vincent's origin or drop any hints about it on the show? I was never clear what he was or where he came from and I only watched a few episodes during its original run so if there is anyone who was observant and could piece things together from clues on the show or little things Vincent said, or even if they did go in depth about a backstory could you post it.


No, they never did. He was found as a baby and brought below to Father.

America...Land of the free, because of the brave.
A Marine's Daughter


The show kept it a mystery, but there's lots of fanfiction about it, if you're interested


What are some of the theroies in the Fanfic about Vincent's origin? I'm debating buying the DVD's since I did enjoy the episodes of the show I saw during its original run but before I did I kind of wanted to know more about him.


Theories about Vincent's origin in fanfic range from him being a genetic experiment, an alien, one of a lost species & probably more -None of these ideas are mentioned in the series, but Vincent is a facinating character -He is a lion-man w/a noble, loving heart, very romantic & knowledgeable, but when Catherine or others are in trouble the claws come in handy!


I remember in one of the episodes I saw, the closest he ever came to talking about it was when he was asked by Catherine directly what he was he said he didn't know but he had ideas. It was always handled very well. Other than genetic experiment, alien, and lost species are there any other theories? Also, did he have any mementos or personal effects or make any off-handed coments about his past? I wish I could watch the show in its enterity because I could never catch it while it was on.


You could buy/borrow/rent the DVDs.

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


All 3 seasons are available on netflix! -I can't think of any other fanfic theories, but there were never any mementos or anything -On the show he was found as an infant in the trash wrapped in rags in an alley behind St. Vincent's hospital & brought to 'Father' the leader of the tunnel-dwellers & named Vincent


At some point I do plan on watching the series from start to finish. I was interested in his background because I'm making a Vincent character to play in our next Arkham Horror game. I took some liberties with the backstory to fit him into the game but I'm going to play him Friday and see how it goes.


Is your character based on Vincent, or a 'lion man?' Here is other research you can check out. It may be too late, but it is interesting.

Lionel the Lion-Faced Man

Stephan Bibrowski ... better known as Lionel the Lion-Faced Man

Hypertrichosis (also called Ambras Syndrome)

Writer Workshops:


Great links India! -Have you heard of or seen the movie 'Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus' w/Nicole Kidman & Robert Downey Jr.?


by - cathvin87

on Sun Sep 18 2011 21:43:38

Great links India! -Have you heard of or seen the movie 'Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus' w/Nicole Kidman & Robert Downey Jr.?

Yes, I've seen the movie. I knew the guys voice, but I couldn't think of who he was, and when she shaved him I about fell on the floor.

Writer Workshops:


Its based on Vincent himself and what I could remember of him from the show. I took a couple of liberties with the character and made Catherine blind so that she would not initially be aware of his appearance. Also, I'd like to thank you for the links, they were informantive.


by - harlemsushi

on Sun Sep 18 2011 22:17:27

Its based on Vincent himself and what I could remember of him from the show. I took a couple of liberties with the character and made Catherine blind so that she would not initially be aware of his appearance.

Also, I'd like to thank you for the links, they were informative.

You're very welcome for the links. I've posted them on here before, but those threads could be gone by now.

Writer Workshops:


@harlemsushi -I'd like to see some images of your Vincent character when you're finished -Thanks :)


Here is is cathvin87... &current=Vincent-.jpg

I'm going to team Vincent up with Batman & Harry Potter... &current=Batman-.jpg &current=Harry--Potter.jpg

Arkham Horror is really an awesome board game because you can create any character to play as and its a coperative game in that you are not playing against other players, but all of the palyers are playing against the game. Let me know what you think.


Very Interesting! Let us know how it plays out!


The last game I played I played as Batman with other players who were playing the stock characters and we barely won and we had 5 players. This time we are going to go at it with 3 and I'm very curious myself to see what the results are.


I have the original (1987) version of the game - I can't remember creating characters, but only got to play it a couple of times. I think I bought it as a way to break in friends to full-on RPGs (like "Call of the Cthulhu") but they found it too complicated! I seem to remember some sort of counter that I kept forgetting to advance at the end or beginning of each round.

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


I think you mean the Doom or Terror Track. I never played the 1987 version of the game, but I highly recommend the 2005 or 2008 version of the game. It is one of the few really good co-op board games out there and as a bonus, it allows you to create your own characters. I was lucky in that I got to play the first game with someone who knew the game's rules inside and out so it wasn't too bad. My second game this Friday should be easier and because I make custom characters for people, we have a lot more individuals that are interested in playing. So give it one more try and you should enjoy it.



I thought that was generally believed to be a lie.

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


Wait a moment, back up and explain this to me again? Is there an actual origin for him that was discussed on the show and can someone explain it in a good deal of detail for someone who was not an avid fan. You can spoil it just spoil it in as detailed a fashion as possible.


Short answer: no. Paraclesus did say all the above to Vincent, but most think that he was deliberately trying to send him over the edge with a made-up story.

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


Yeah, I also thought Paracelsus' only intention was to make Vincent angrier -I don't think Father would've lied to Vincent -I think V. was just found by Anna in the alley behind St.Vincent's hospital & brought to the tunnels -After a while she realized Paracelsus was becoming darkly obssessed w/Vincent & took him to Father to raise then P. poisoned her -But there's a lot of good fanfic based on Paracelsus' perspective of events


if i remeneber correctly Father did onot find him at st vincents hosiptal . aperenty Parceclis was vincent father ans he was doing experments on vincents mother (his mother) while she was pregant which is why the put him in exile. appently no one knew inti he was born. i forgot what episode it was but it was the one where i think he visits his mothers gave below .


Per my previous post I think Paracelsus' only intention was to make Vincent angrier & possibly even join him (like Darth Vader) -I don't think Father would've lied to Vincent about where he came from -I think V. was found by Anna in the alley behind St.Vincent's hospital & brought to the tunnels -After she realized Paracelsus was darkly obssessed w/Vincent, she took him to Father to raise then P. poisoned her -But there's a lot of good fanfic based on V's origins

