Haunting Scene (spoiler)

I put a spoiler warning because I know that although this show is over 20 years old, there are many who haven't seen it yet.

I'm watching the second season now and I saw the episode titled "Ashes, Ashes" yesterday.

I just have to say that Ellie's death scene is the most haunting scene I have ever seen in a TV show.
You see Ellie's face close up as she tells Catherine that the Russian man said she was beautiful.
And then her face just freezes and she stops moving.
Her expression never changes.

I know death scenes have been done this way for decades, but the way the actress playing Ellie did it, and the makeup and the atmosphere was unlike anything I'd ever seen.

The scene is just so haunting!
I've never seen a more haunting death scene in a TV show.
The actress playing Ellie and the makeup artists really did a good job!


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"


Haunting episode for me was definately The Outsiders, it was said seeing Vincent's people trying to be helpful to them but they reject them with cruelty and violances.



Yes, that was Augustus with Livia. Incredible acting in that series.

America...Land of the free, because of the brave.
A Marine's Daughter



That scene gave me chills! I agree that it was extremely well acted by that little girl, and it took me by surprise because I totally wasn't expecting her to die. Instead of turning away and closing her eyes to signify death, they took a very realistic approach.

That's not an episode to watch if you're in a good mood.

Ann - "Is this the elevator?"
Joe - "Eh, this is my ROOM."


For me, it wasn't Ellie's death, it was her funeral. I nearly cried, which I NEVER do for TV shows, and very rarely for movies.

"He's already attracted to her. Time and monotony will do the rest."


I can't watch the episode where Vincent is temporarily blinded, and tortured by those thugs. I think it is episode 4. But other than BATB the death scene that makes me cry every time is Marlon Brando's Fletcher Christian in Mutiny on the Bounty from 1962. Where he is terribly burned trying to save the sextant on The Bounty and dies halfway through a sentence. As soon as his Tahitian lover (who became his wife in real life) starts to cry, so do I. Buckets. Anyone remember it?
