Just starting watching this

I was born in '83 so when this show originally aired, I was only 4 years old. Now, I'm 28 and I am only on the 3rd episode. I'm officially addicted. Any words of advice from anyone who has been a long time fan of the show??? Is it disappointing the way it ends? (I noticed that there were only 3 seasons).

I must say I just love the chemistry between Catherine and Vincent. It makes my heart melt and makes me happy :)

I can't keep myself away from myself and me... -Adam Duritz


Most fans don't like the final season (some to the extent of denying its existence), mainly because (MAJOR SPOILER - YOU PROBABLY SHOULDN'T LOOK) they killed Catherine off as Linda Hamilton wanted to leave. I felt that the last season wasn't as bad as many think and had some lovely moments.

My advice: enjoy and have a box of tissues on standby for a couple of the eps.

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


I remember watching it with my mother as a child, and have recently been rewatching the seasons on Netflix. I highly recommend for you to stay with the show, but think hard before you watch that last season, it may leave a bad taste in your mouth. But, I 100% recommend you watch all of the first 2 seasons.

Made ya look!


I did not like the 3rd season, so I'd advise you to stop at the end of season two. However, some do like season 3, and so the decision to finish the series is up to you. Just know that there is a drastic change with season 3, and that it could devastate you . . . or not. Personally, I'd probably ignore my warning and watch season 3 anyways, if I was new to the show. Why? Because I'd have to see for myself whether or not the last season would disappoint me.

So, I say, "Go with your gut." Because that is what I'd do. If at the end of season two you feel you don't want to know how it turned out, then don't watch the 3rd season. But, if you feel you really, really need to know how it ended, then by all means finish the last season.

Then come back and complain, or rave, about the final season. Enjoy.

Writer Workshops:


I watched the series when it aired originally and loved it. I was so upset with S3 that I didn't watch it for years!!

I just 'revisited' Beauty and the Beast on Nexflix and enjoyed every minute of it. I even enjoyed S3. It had some of the best acting I've seen in years.

It is worth it to view it at least once then you can I do and do selected viewing of your favorite ones!


It’s good to dream


I watched the show when it originally aired too, and I was very upset with season 3. I have the DVDs for all 3 seasons, but I haven't yet rewatched the series. I'm hoping that the 3rd season will no longer be as devastating as it had been years ago when it was fresh and new. (Which is why I bought it.) I think season 3 is why I haven't been able to watch the series again just yet. Maybe I should watch the 3rd season first and then watch all 3 after to get the demons exorcised and out of the way.

I hated the series finale for Xena the first time I saw it, but with each viewing after that, I kind of got over it. Maybe watching season 3 of Beauty and the Beast will help put it in perspective too.

Writer Workshops:


Glad you're enjoying the show! -I'm not too happy w/S3 either, but it is part of the series -If you don't like S3 there are literally millions of fanfics out there to choose from & I'm sure many will please you!


I have a short memory!

If you want to see how upset I was just look a few posts down. That was written after I watched the 1st epi. of S3.

I can laugh now ....like I said I just watch the ones I like and keep on dreaming!

It’s good to dream


Thank you all for your wonderful advice. I am on episode 5 now (been really busy, my job is a wedding photographer and have had a lot of work to do) but I plan on watching it all the way through to the end of season 3. I do know what happens, just because I read ahead of the seasons because I am nosy :). But I do plan on watching it all the way through.

Thanks everyone!!!

I can't keep myself away from myself and me... -Adam Duritz


You're very welcome.

Writer Workshops:


Just watch all 3 seasons. I'm a fan of this show ever since it was first aired back in 1987-1990 and I love all seasons. yes S3 has a major shocker when watching it for the first time, but it also has the best suspense this series ever had and also some of the best acting. S3 had me as glued to my tv set as the first two seasons had.

