MovieChat Forums > Full House (1987) Discussion > Season 8: Michelle & Counting Crows

Season 8: Michelle & Counting Crows

I find it really hard to believe that Danny would allow Michelle to go a Counting Crows concert with DJ rather than Stephanie, just to be "fair". Not really a place for a girl of her age, regardless of being with DJ or not.

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Danny was wrong and Michelle was a bitch in that episode. Because you're right, it's not a place for a 6 year old to begin with. DJ wouldn't have any fun lugging around her stupid baby sister. And Michelle lied about liking the band when she actually never heard of them.

Danny is also a hypocrite. He forces DJ to take Michelle to make it fair. But when DJ says she doesn't want to take care of her dumb sister, he tells her life isn't fair. So which is it Danny? What he really meant is life isn't fair unless you're Michelle, then he'll favor you.


She couldn't even get the name of the band right, She called The Counting Cars, Cats & Cows (among others). And they probably wouldn't of gone on stage till 8:00 @ the earliest I'm guessing the little brat got all tuckered out about 1/2 of getting there & DJ couldn't hang with her friends then ended up having to take the little brat home & missed the whole show.


To top it all off, that band is probably inappropriate for a child Michelle's age. Mostly likely PG-13.

So what's the point of making Michelle go and Stephanie stay behind? She would've been board and bugging DJ to leave. Just like a child being dragged to a meeting and nagging their parents to go home.

Danny needed to strengthen his parenting skills


But in the end, she did give the ticket to Stephanie. She didn't really want to go. It was just that she was feeling left out. They were older,and doing teenage stuff. She was still a little girl. As she mentions this. So they offer to take her to a PG movie the next weekend.


That still doesn't excuse Danny for being a complete and udder jackass by allowing Michelle to go in the first place.


Which is why I blame Danny for Michelle behavior more than I actually blame Michelle.


So what? She still lied to Danny so she could go. She said she loved the band when really she didn't know they existed. Why do you routinely excuse poor behavior?

And it doesn't change the fact Danny was a jerk and Michelle was a spoiled brat in this episode.


How am I accusing her poor behavior.

I'm simply stating that Danny and the rest of adults need to put their foot down. That is the ONLY way kids learn respect.

Those 3 men have a history of excusing her poor behavior. Children who grow up with pushover guardians, are more likely to develop bratty behavior! Simple as that.

Until Michelle turns 18, Danny is responsible for raising her well enough to become a mature and responsible young lady.


I'm talking to Owlnut you idiot. Learn how to tell who replied to who.


When there's multiple people on one board, any person with common sense would know to include a particular person's name in their response.


Funny, because I can tell exactly who replied to who on this thread. Guess you're just stupid.

Any person who cant tell with common sense would either put the threads in nest, which makes it easier to tell, or get an email anytime someone replies to you so you know for sure.

Don't blame me for your idiocy.


Just so you know, calling people stupid, doesn't make you ANY better or smarter than me, Owlnut, or anyone else on this board. If fact it makes you CHILDISH. I sure hope that your younger than 20 cause you seem to have the mentality of a high schooler.

I can tell who replies to whom on this board, but since you're so accustomed to insulting and whining like a baby about everything I write, I always assume you're talking to me. Maybe if you didnt do that, this wouldn't have occured whose fault is it now????


I haven't replied to you in weeks now. Your assumption was stupid. You're stupid. If you had an ounce of intelligence you'd have been able to tell I wasn't talking to you. It's not difficult.

So tell me, what do you call making a thread whining and crying about people complaining about Michelle, and then calling them jealous losers? What would you call that? Dumb little hypocrite.


I do not whine and cry about Michelle.
I don't excuse bad behavior from kids, but it all depends on how they're brought up.

I specifically stated, it's the PARENTS and GUARDIANS who are responsible to raising their kids right and teaching them manners.

If Danny, Jesse and Joey can't put their foot down, put a stop to Michelle's behavior and get tough, It's their fault too. Parents are legally responsible for the guidance and well-being of their children until they turn 18.

Anyone with at least half a brain should know that, it doesn't take a genius to realize that.


You either deliberately avoided my question or you're too stupid to understand what I said.

You made a thread WHINING AND CRYING about people criticizing Michelle. You called them losers. You said they were jealous.

So don't claim I insult people and whine when you do the exact same thing. Because here's the difference. You insulted people ONLY because they don't like Michelle. I insult you because you're a bully who attacks anyone who disagrees.


I agree.


You still can't acknowledge was wrong for lying to Danny.

It doesn't matter if Michelle just wanted to spend time with her sisters. She lied. And was going to let Stephanie miss it until the very last second. She got rewarded for bratty behavior when she should have been punished.


And yet another time she got rewarded for being a brat until the last moment possible !!


The Season 4 episode where Michelle does whatever she wants and Danny blames DJ and Stephanie for Michelle's actions really made me angry as well. He finally realized that she needed to face consequences for her actions, but IMO, he was still way to lenient with her in later seasons. I always felt he was especially hard on Stephanie (middle child syndrome?) whereas Michelle, pretty much got away with murder!

Michelle needed more discipline and needed to be taught to respect others. It would have made the house and the family much happier. But then, there would have been no sitcom!
