MovieChat Forums > Full House (1987) Discussion > Jesse didn't deserve to get the smash cl...

Jesse didn't deserve to get the smash club

He put in absolutely zero effort in trying to get the loan to fix it up. Showed up only seconds before the lady from the bank. Did zero research or getting information. And then just tried to trick and lie his way through their second meeting. If he loved this club so much, why the hell didn't he put a tiny, minuscule amount of effort into it?

And then the reason he gets the load is a load of BS. Because he gave an answer from the heart? Nonsense. Again, if he loved it so much, he'd have showed up early and cleaned the damn place up. Banks don't care about heart. The lady had every reason to turn him down.


And what's even more stupid is he actually thought she'd be impressed if he had that entire code book memorized, and then he actually thought "why do you want to open the Smash Club" was a question he could get DJ and Stephanie to look up for him. Jesse was a freaking idiot and in actual life the Smash Club would have gone out of business within a month.


That's all true exept for one teeny tiny problem................................

Nobody cares what you have to say😁😁


The op posted the topic and you are supposed to respond to it you idiot


Well I just did write a response.


Can you not bring your stupid feud into other peoples threads? Thanks. I dont know why you feel a need to troll. Make an on topic post or go away, thanks.


I'm not the one who started it. And I have every right to post my opinion. It's called freedom of speech.

Don't like it, then ignore it!!!


You did start it. Agree or disagree, he made a post relevant to my thread. You didn't. You made a trolling, off topic post about your pathetic, stupid fight with him.

Feel free to give your opinion about the show or about my thread topic sweetheart. Even if you disagree with me. But you aren't giving an opinion here, you're hijacking a thread and trolling. Understand kiddo?


Why are you just telling me? Tell it to moviechatuser! He's the king of trolling.


He responded on topic. On this thread, he is not trolling. You are.


Then you don't know him. He trolls anyone who dares admits they like Full House.

I have a right to post whatever I want and you're in no position to stop me.


So you admit you're a troll not interested in discussing the show in any way? Thanks for admitting that.

It's weird that you say that about him while you're doing the same fucking thing. You're trolling, hijacking threads, and arent discussing the show. Good job kiddo.


I am not trolling I’m stating my opinion, you are verbally harassing anyone who dares to have a different opinion than you. You’re being very immature


Oh I am sorry my little self entitled babies!! I won't insult or yell at you anymore my little darling sweet KARENS.

Btw how do you like your new haircut and short blonde hairstyle?? Lmfao


Go back to your cry room where you belong snowflake.


Is KAREN the new BOOMER? I see tons of people using that term now to try to look "hip" and "current". I don't see people using Boomer much at all. It must not be cool and edgy anymore.


It's a term used to describe self-entitled women. Those who throw little hissy fits over silly reasons like not wanting to follow store company rules and having to wait in line like everyone else lmfao. Wanting refunds without the proof of a recept.


You definitely are self entitled sweetheart. Look at the way you're screaming, "I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT, YOU CANT STOP ME!!!!". I mean really, you're being a perfect example of a Karen.


No I'm not. I don't run around refusing to wear masks or obey store polices in public. You're the one acting like Karens by brainwashing hateful opinions on a show that's older then me and most other current viewers.


Brainwashing lmfao? I'm brainwashing people becahzs I say Jesse shouldn't have gotten the smash club? Oh honey, you are DEFINITELY a karen. You're literally trolling the board, spamming it, starting fights, and yet you have a problem with a post actually about the show? You're hilarious little girl.




Jesse Katzopolis has to be one of the stupidest, laziest, most impulsive, immature idiots on the show. He is the very definition of a "manchild," and Uncle Joey is a close second contender. I mean, you got a guy who's mind is still stuck in the teenage years, he thinks he'll always gonna be young and look like Elvis, he has no talents beyond singing and making himself look stupid, and he hasn't been able to hold down a real job his entire life. In fact, the only reason he wasn't living on the street was because his brother-in-law, Danny, invited him to come live in his house (rent-free, I might add) and help the guy raise the 3 daughters. Honestly, I'm amazed he learned anything in all that time about responsibility, beyond finding out how embarrassing it is to have your "cool vibes" flattened in 5 seconds by little bitty blond girls demanding attention from him while he's trying to score booty.

Honestly, I agree, he doesn't deserve to own a club, or a business of any kind, because he isn't willing to put in the effort it takes into running the place. The only reason he got it back was because of the script and so the audience wouldn't have to suffer from watching him fail, despite him actually deserving it.
