MovieChat Forums > *batteries not included (1987) Discussion > What was wrong with Faye and what happen...

What was wrong with Faye and what happened to her son Bobby?

I watched *Batteries not included and it has been a long time since i watched the film. Something puzzles about Faye's behaviour and why she thinks Carlos and others is her deceased son Bobby. I still don't understand what was wrong with Faye and her behaviour and what happened to Bobby? Can somebody explain this to me?


I just found out on the Roger Ebert review of this film that Faye suffers from a condition called Alzheimer's Diease. And i think Bobby died in a terrible accident or he was killed by street gangs.
For more infomation on Alzhemer's Diease visit this website:


Yes. Either it's Alzeimer's desease or another mental condition in which Faye has trouble setting hersef in the past or present.
It could've happen when Bobby was killed. She could've suffered from a terrible mental shocks and she refused to accept that her son passed away.


Given the age of the characters, I'd say that Faye was probably suffering from mild altzhimers. I thihk that Bobby probably died in Vietnam (I seem to remember tere being a picture of him in a uniform).

English Language Anime: Dub it, don't pervert it.


I just watched the film and although it doesn't explain Faye's mental condition, she does read a newspaper clipping towards the end which explains Bobby's demise. He died in a car crash when he was 18. I think in a different scene, she blames her husband for not giving Bobby enough space and freedom, which is why he was saving to buy himself a car. It would seem the same car lead to his death, and both parents have lived with the guilt ever since.


Thank you for you're help purplefacedmonkey, that was a good answer.


I agree, that's how I viewed it today, after watching the movie on cable today

¤¤ Shared dreams are shared smiles ¤¤


I believe that Faye is either suffering from Alzhimers or another mental condition, But seeing how that alzhimers was not as publicied in the late 80's my guess would be the mental shock of losing her son. She lost here son in Car Accident, he was suppose to go to WWII or even Korea. The clue I use is that after the cafe is closed and Faye and Frank are reading the paper, she ask "what ever happened to General Eisnhower?"


My grandmother had alzheimers for about the last 10 years of her life and Faye's actions are a pretty good example of what it's like, especially in it's early stages. Forgetting the year, thinking it's 20 years ago. Forgetting names, doing things that don't make sense. (my grandmothers odd thing was always unplugging her appliances, including her refrigerator, tv, radio, lamps, etc.) forgetting things very fast, like she would make toast and take it out of the toaster, then forget she made it and put more bread in the toaster.


Why do people think Bobbie went off to war? When Carlos comes over he tells her
about a car he just bought, which triggers the memories of bobbie dying in a car accident, Maybe she's just senile, does'nt anybody got a old grandma talking crazy? I know its not just mine. Sometimes the past is easier then the present to deal with. We remember what we want. They say history was written by the winners.


I think what happend was Bobby must have felt bad for his mom or somthing so Bobby must have got in Carlos's body as a host to make her feel better.

Bond James Bond


thats stupid. this is a film about little alien spaceships not ghosts, you can't mix the two up. and anyway there's absolutely no indication of blah blah blah.....
why am i bothering?


"and anyway there's absolutely no indication of blah blah blah.....
why am i bothering? "

I'm not sure she's officially suffering from alzheimers so much as having had a breakdown at the death of her son (in the car crash... not a war) and so her mind has repressed that that even happened in such a way that she refuses to believe he is dead :( so sad!

~ As you wish ~


I'm not sure she's officially suffering from alzheimers so much as having had a breakdown at the death of her son (in the car crash... not a war) and so her mind has repressed that that even happened in such a way that she refuses to believe he is dead :( so sad!

I agree. I think her mind just caved in psychologically at the loss and then the guilt about Bobby, and she had a breakdown. Those scenes just broke my heart, especially when she pulls out the article about Bobby. And when she broke down when Carlos came to see her, and she 'realized' Bobby was really dead. I cried at that scene, it was incredibly sad.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


faye has alzheimers (sp?) and booby died in a car crash


When Carlos tries to get her out and she realizes he's not Bobby, she sits at her desk and pulls out a yellowed article that reads "NY Youth Dies in Crash". She also reacts badly to Carlos saying he wants to show her the car, because in her subconscious, she knows it was the car that killed her son.


I think ElevenStars has it right. She had a mental breakdown because her son died and she couldn't accept it, so she repressed it by withdrawing from reality and into a world where Bobby is still alive.


What happened was her son Bobby and her husband frank did NOT get along very well. Bobby saved up enough money to buy himself a car and gtfo of the house and go do his own thing. Unfortunately Bobby died in that car in a tragic crash. The reason she freaked out at Carlos is because he tried to trick her into thinking he was Bobby, to save her life. And he had it until he said "good ol dad is waiting by the car." she knew Bobby and frank fought and it kinda snapped her into reality. She knew Bobby had died but was blocking it. She instantly went for the newspaper, she knew exactly where it was and what it said. At the end frank even calls Carlos Bobby in front of her and she breaks down. She may have had alzheimers, but I think it was just plain mental block, willing mental block. I'm pretty sure it wasn't until the end of the movie, some 30 years after his death, that she finnaly accepted it. It was super sad too.

By the way I just finished watching it. I was looking for the Bobby clues because I haven't seen the movie since about 1993 when I was like 9 or something, on a good ol VHS tape on my 19 inch tv. I remembered the whole Bobby mystery and back then I could never figure it out.

This time around I got to see it on my sweet 50 inch HD tv, in HD, streaming from Netflix on my xbox. If anyone else wants to see it in HD hurry, Netflix is gonna pull it on oct 31st. Bastards. :)

"I'm a Repo man!" (Jack, LOST)


Everytime I see Jessica I think of her being passed over for the film version of "Streetcar named desire" - i.e. Blanche Dubois.

How ironic in this film as the person in the "altered state" that she is the first to "make contact."


I think she had a form of Alzheimer's called Dementia. Something my own grandmother had. What probably happened was, "Bobby" was probably Faye's only son, and therefore she was very proud of him, and he probably died, most likely at war or disease. There had to of been some sort of similarities between Carlos and Bobby that made her think that he was her son. Like the way he talked or the clothes he wore, maybe the way he wore his hair. Someone with Dementia can make life very scary for relatives...having to worry, is that person alright, cause they can tend to wander off...that sort of thing! Which is why Frank is very protective of his wife, and sort of treats her like a baby. She of course doesn't understand the situation she is in, and thinks she is normal. Him trying to give her medicine like she's a kid makes her angry! My grandmother was almost the same way...didn't like being treated like this!

"All my friends are dead
All my friends are dead"


"I think she had a form of Alzheimer's called Dementia. Something my own grandmother had. What probably happened was, "Bobby" was probably Faye's only son, and therefore she was very proud of him, and he probably died, most likely at war or disease. There had to of been some sort of similarities between Carlos and Bobby that made her think that he was her son. Like the way he talked or the clothes he wore, maybe the way he wore his hair."

To expand on this. First. Bobby died in a car crash. Second. I think the similarity that made her think Carlos was Bobby was that Carlos was always at odds with Frank. Judging from what Fay says to Frank about how he was with Bobby, it sounds like Bobby was constantly at odds with Frank as well. Remember, when Carlos started to play along and pretend he was Bobby to get Fay out of the apartment, he acted like he and Frank got along, which caused Fay to finally realize that he wasn't Bobby because she knew that Bobby and Frank didn't get along.


Bobby died in a car crash. If you look closely when Carlos is trying to get Faye out of the house, she is looking at the news article that say "Youth 18 Dies In Crash".


Faye has dimentia. Many dimentia patients pop in and out of being coherent.

Bobby was killed in an auto accident at age 18. Before the big fire errupts, Carlos pulls the article out from behind the picture of Bobby by his car showing an article stating, "18 year old teen is killed in auto crash."
