MovieChat Forums > Creepshow 2 (1987) Discussion > Stupid, why didn't you keep running?

Stupid, why didn't you keep running?

I know this has probably been discussed before but, wasn't it stupid how the kid from "The Raft" just stayed by the water after he out swam that blob *beep* thing? Instead of hanging by the water after you were out keep running instead of being a dope and saying, "I beat you". I would of ran my ass off and would been like,the hell with the car.


If he was to run far off from the river there would not of been a twist surprise in the ending. These kids were stupid. That is the reason why they got in to this situation in the beginning.


True,but if it was real he should of continued running.

As for what you said about those teenagers being stupid. Yes, they were. Even in the beginning of the segment when they jumped into the water. One of the characters said, "It's almost Halloween". So it's was October,and the water was quite cold. Who would go swimming in the fall? lol


Yes you are right. No one would swim in the fall ?. There is always one common aspect between all horror movies. It always happens to be the dumb ones that get killed. Especially in the movies that are aimed at the young generation.



Smoking a bit of weed hardly makes one impervious to chilly waters...


His character wasn't meant to be stupid. He was pre-med and also seemed to be the most observant of the 4 of them. He thought he both beat and outsmarted the oil slick at the end by reaching land, but he was over cocky.


I don't really expect kids in horror movies to be too bright. Mix in sex and drugs,and you're doomed.But I agree. Randy could have kept running,or at least get in the car and floor it out of there.

Italy's shaped like a boot for a they can stick it up your ass. - Don Vito


I always facepalm when he doesn't continue to get away, so stupid. He's easily one of the dumbest Horror movie victims there is.


Being totally realistic, I know I would have been completely winded after swimming my @ss off like that, to the point where I could see myself collapsing on land. Plus, he couldn't have fathomed that the thing would stand up like that and swallow him up, I know I wouldn't have.


He's an idiot. If the thing could have risen up through the boards in the bottom of the raft, he should have known it could have possibly thrown itself on the land.

He deserved to die after sacrificing LaVerne (or whatever her name was) to the blob after he sexually assaulted her. Freak.

"I hope your apple pie was freakin' worth it!" -Dean, Supernatural


No. If the blob could rise up onto land like that, why didn't it rise up onto the raft? There was no reason to think that it could rise up on land like that since it didn't rise up onto the raft.



Love how people assume they'd have better abilities than film characters when they've never been there. You ever swam half a mile in freezing waters and then popped up and ran another 30 yards? Dude was exhausted. Plus...'s a movie. Would it have have been half as awesome an ending if Randy got in the car and drove away? Nope. "I beat you!" followed by WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!!! is perfect.


Well, granted, if we were the characters, we'd probably display at least the same extent of abilities, plus you have to consider adrenaline and fear, which have driven people to some pretty spectacular things. I for one, know I wouldn't have felt truly safe until I got into the car, exhausted or not, I might have found the strength to go on for that few extra yards (maybe it's just been a long time since I've seen it, but I don't remember the car being THAT far away). I might not, who knows? People differ. But Randy didn't exactly look that exhausted. It's almost like he felt comfortable at shore (which I, for one, would never go around water again for at least a month after that) and then he took the time to taunt it. Time and energy that would have been better used to, I dunno, sort of crawl a little farther from shore at least?


I would have kept running.


Half a mile? More like 100 feet. The guy barely swam fast at all. He kept stopping to look back.


Well he just assumes he was safe while in the raft and therefore the oilsleek was only powerful in the water and not in when he was in the shore or in the raft. Just imagine had the oil sleek rolled over and caught them in the raft, the story would have ended less dramatically. So they decided to change the climax of the Stephen King short story.


Had he kept running even out of breath he may have made it. If I were him I wouldn't rest until I was ten miles away. Might even have to leave the car if I was really panicking.


The OP obviously doesn't swim very much. Imagine swimming the legnth of two olympic swimming pools, as fast as humanly possible, knowing a sea creature is coming right after you. Imagine how fast your arms and legs would be racing to get you to safety...the whole time your heart is pumping like crazy, your mind is paralyzed with fear...the water is ice cold...just think about being in that situation.

Finally, you reach land, where the monster can't get you. Your body is physically exhausted. Your arms and legs are in sheer pain. You are breathing fast. You collapse (remember he was out of the water literally for about 5 seconds when it came out and ate him). You take a second, before you get up to run to the car, to tell this horrible creature off. It jumps out and gets you.

Let's give Randy a break. He wasn't going to sit there near the water and have a picnic. The creature jumped right out and got him too quickly...



However, as soon as he realized that the creature was coming for him after he taunted it, he immediately turned around and wanted to run, but it was too late. It does show you that he was still capable of going farther (even without that few second rest he took while taunting it). So, yes, he could have kept going as soon as he hit land, but her got overly cocky and paid for it with his life.


It was a creation for the movie. In the original short story he doesn't make a swim for it as Laverne is getting eaten. He just sort of gives up and lets the blob eat him. He's alone, freezing, hungry, sleep deprived, etc. He thinks to himself "if I had a gun I would shoot myself." But in the end of he decides to stare into it and get hypnotized by the blob. So we assume he lets himself fall in and die.

BUT that wouldn't be as shocking of an ending for the movie so the writers came up with the whole "I beat you" nonsense.




I thought the jock was the smartest of them all I mean when the blob thing ate the first girl his immediate reaction was to out-swim it back to his car. The other two stayed over-night and actually slept when they're lives depended on keeping an eye on it.
