Casting observations

Judging from the full assembly scene at around 06:30 in the movie, I'd say there were around 110-120 boys. That actual camp alternated boys and girls sessions. It was not coed.

The kids did not look average. Certainly not for today, there were no real chubbies. But even in 1987, they must have been screened for Hollywood type good looks. Judge for yourself.

There was only one black kid, that is among the extras. Moustafa makes it two.

There were only three or four females in the movie. The males would include those 120+ campers, the camp crew and the mining company people, (workers + execs = about 22). Maybe a total of 150 males to 4 females.
The story is king.


Well holy crap! Call the friggen cops and lock Varney's corpse up.


They are only observations, not criticisms.

And why would Varney be at fault if they were? Did he do the casting?

The story is king.


haha. This is a very odd, and well thought out observation for such an obscure movie.

I don't remember seeing any girls at the camp. I always thought this was basically a Boy Scouts summer camp. I assume they either couldn't get BOA licensing or didn't want to pay it.

There aren't any chubbies, but i recall seeing a bunch of ugly-ass kids. Like the mess hall scene when they trip Moose? There's a shot of a kid with glasses turning around and he looks tarded up something fierce.


Last line, lol.

He wasn't that bad.

OP, good work.

Ummm, boys' camp? For rich WASPs?


In the Special Thanks in the credits, it lists at least 10 Boy Scout troops. All the extras are local Boy Scouts.

"Fine. You want to eat? Let's see if you can eat... PIZZA!!!"


The idea is that Ernest is a moron in a place of extreme competance

How can the camp look extremely competant with a bunch of fat black kids hanging around?
