House Movies ...

Was there any other movies in the House Series? I seem to recall there being a "House: 6" but I am not for sure.


The only other House films i'm aware of beyond the first two are "The Horror Show" (House III) and "House IV".

Don't think their is a 5 and 6, but I wish they'd make one.


Nope no 5 or 6,just
House 2
The Horror Show(unofficially House 3) and ...
House 4.


A title search on IMDb for "House 5" turned up the fact that "House 5" is an AKA for "La Casa 5" but "House 6" does not exist.


The series that was not a series.
HOUSE is a minimasterpiece that stands up well today. A comedy horror film, with an earnest performance by pretty boy William Katt.
HOUSE 2 is a sequel in name only. The only thing it has in common with HOUSE is the use of a CHEERS barfly (Wendt in the original, Ratzenberger in the so-called sequel).
HOUSE 3 is actually THE HORROR SHOW and like HOUSE 2, has nothing whatsoever to do with the series.
HOUSE 4 has nothing to do with the series, other than it stars William Katt. And it is easily the worst movie of the four, or three, if you prefer. One scene where a cutie pie gets set on fire, is ghastly but doesn't last.


I thought House 3 was when William Katt got blown up in that car accident and was the crispy mess. And his wife and kid were the main characters trying to kill the guys that killed william.

"Ah, Snaps!"



House 4 has more than nothing to do with House 1. It doesn't just feature William Katt, but Katt plays the Roger Cobb character in both movies. and there are haunted houses in both movies. I mean, what more do you need?


Yes actually, House and House IV and directly related to eachother. Two was always meant to be House II even though it has nothing to do with the first, and 3 was actually never meant to be called "House III" ever in the States, but hey, it's a cool movie. It was never supposed to be in the series. One and IV are the only ones directly related to each other.


I love House 1, 2 and 4.
I hate House 3
