This is Really Bad

Horrible movie. The original is great.

This movie blows.

if you're the salt of the earth, then the earth is a slug


you must be young, to us 80's kids this movie is gold. so bad its good sort of thing.

IMDB is retarded I say I want 2 bang a hot actress and my account gets deleted IMDB


Wow I've said some damn Raunchy things in this past about certain actresses, and not one thing ever happened to my account. In fact ive only had one post deleted by an admin.


well, i was unemployed due to getting out of the service whenever superman returns came out so i got involved in that battle and i think a lot of the guys on there didn't like my opinion about the movie (i liked it.) and kept reporting me bc i kept putting them in their place. the last post i put was how i wanted to bang an 'actress' and then my account was gone. had to start a new one and everthing.

IMDB is retarded I say I want 2 bang a hot actress and my account gets deleted IMDB


I'm really glad that i grew up as a 90s kid who just loves horror straight out of the 70s and 80s. Is that something unusual?

Born in 90.


my little sister is the same way, born in 91 and loves 80's movies, i introduced her to some 80's horror a few months ago and she couldn't stop laughing at how bad it was but i had to explain it's so bad it's good.

IMDB is retarded I say I want 2 bang a hot actress and my account gets deleted IMDB


I like this one better than the first one. Only thing I hate about this one is Bill Maher.


Like a lot of others has said helps to have been born around the time this movie came out. This is one of the first favorite movies I remember having as a kid, next to "Top Gun" and "Dirty Dancing". I had a kiddie crush on Jesse and to this day still have a soft spot in my heart when I see Arye Gross on TV because of this movie.

If you watch this movie now without ever seeing it before...of course you might not like it. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, just as other people are entitled to say otherwise. So suck it up and find a movie that you can say something positive about for a change.


"I had a kiddie crush on Jesse and to this day still have a soft spot in my heart when I see Arye Gross on TV because of this movie."

Oh, me too!!!! My sister and I used to love to watch this movie and The Pirate Movie (another cheesy 80's movie). This is the only House movie I've ever seen, but it's so funny.

Caldwell- "Major Marks, please make that ship go away."


Also this one is PG-13 and more family friendly than the first movie which sucks!


I agree this movie went too silly. Pretty annoying to watch.

"You know someone lacks intelligence when their only argument is Dont See It."
