No Gramps

Does anyone feel that House 2 would have been better without Gramps? I mean cause it just took away the feeling that the house was evil cause he was a nice Zombie. Don't get me wrong I like House 2 I just think it would have been more belivable if Gramps had stayed dead and have it be that the skull needed to in its rightful place above the fireplace to keep Slim Razor away from the house Jesse's parents left him.




Gramps was a zombie too,maybe a bit silly but it was a funny and lovable character.I think it's orignal to have a good old zombie,and i would say that the movie wouldn't have been so funny without gramps


Aw, c'mon! Gramps was the best part of the movie, he even had the some of the film's most memorable lines!

"You better pack yer ass in a suitcase, and head for Pa-ne-ma!!!"


He was funny but he took away from the haunted house theme cause he was not evil.



House 2 would have still been good without Gramps.


Does anybody besides me see a similarity between gramps and the judge in The Frightners.


he was a 170 year old FART

Laugh, and the world laughs with you.
Weep, and the world laughs AT you.
