MovieChat Forums > The Lost Boys (1987) Discussion > how did grandpa earn his money? He had a...

how did grandpa earn his money? He had a nice big house with a view...

how did grandpa get that big house? did he build it himself? Was he a successful taxidermist?


I don't think it really matters what he did for a job, most likely a man his age was on retirement and had time to do taxidermy either as a little side job to earn extra money, or just a hobby.


Also he most likely bought the house many years earlier, when the land was much cheaper.....


Yeah, he probably bought the place when it was farmland on a dirt road ten miles from town.

Santa Cruz has expanded a lot since I was a kid, it's moved up the coast and farmland has become McMansions.


He ran all the pot in the west coast . Taxidermy was a front for the cash .


How the hell would we know? You watched the same movie we did and they didn't say. Does it really matter?




i often wonder how people with next no income got those houses in movies , like that lush pad Kurt Russel had in that one where Goldie Hawn loses her memory


So Bundy's house?


Or how was in "Mrs. Doubtfire", Robjn Williams loses his job and is kicked out by his wife, and he moves to a spacious San Francisco apartment that probably cost about 5K a month to rent.


Vampire Hunter. Isn’t it obvious? :} He made a lucrative career out of it back in the day, and thus he could afford to own the place.

But, who’s to say he didn’t get the place for cheap? Might’ve been sold by someone who wanted to get the hell out of vampireland. Or he could’ve built it himself many years ago. It’s anyone’s guess...


Pension payments.


I was wondering myself how he just happened to have not one, not two, but THREE spare bedrooms available!


The house was kind of a shithole


He was a male prostitute.


We never saw him working...oh wait, you mean a RETIRED male prostitue?

Yes, that tracks.
