MovieChat Forums > Maurice (1987) Discussion > Memorable romantic moments *spoilers*

Memorable romantic moments *spoilers*

I love all the little nuances and romantic beauty to each scene with Alec and Maurice...

After their first night together, Alec's begging Maurice to let him leave, only to accept Maurice's continued affections, and then Maurice's line shortly after about having a friend forever.

Their short episode of paranoia when they thought the other was out to get them, only to realize they were both madly in love with each other, 'kissing and making up' in the hotel after wards. Maurice's pulling Alec to him when he realizes it might be the last time he'll see him.

Maurice's wee smile as he drives away from the Southampton dock, realizing that Alec was staying in England for him.

In their last scene, Alec's apology for being groggy when Maurice wakes him. I found that totally adorable. Alec and Maurice softly lit by the firelight was also beautifully romantic.

THE kiss, of course, followed by Alec's impassioned words to Maurice "We shan't never be parted. It's finished.", the most romantic moment in gay cinema IMHO.

And finally a completely content Maurice, softly closing his eyes in Alec's embrace.

I wonder sometimes if the movie should just have ended there, instead of juxtaposing with Clive's empty life in the final scene. I guess it was to address the themes with finality...Maurice risking it all for a full and happy life, while Clive plays it safe with an empty life.

Oh yes, the music was also brilliant.

Incredibly, all that tugging at everyone's heart strings was done without going over the top. I love this movie.


Yes, there are so many great moments in this wonderful film, but I also love the Alec & Maurice scenes best!

First of all, the movie was in the hands of the masters, Merchant & Ivory, so it's just so gorgeous to look at. The settings: beautiful, stately Cambridge (and the haunting choral music that accompanies many of the scenes); Maurice's middle class home and family; noble but run-down Pendersley; the costumes (they looked so real, like actual clothes, not costumes), and the beautifully haunting score.

All three leads are phenomenal in my opinion. James Wilby mesmerizes me as Maurice. The man can express so much with just his eyes, especially the embrace at the end of their final kiss, when he is overwhelmed with emotion. Such a great scene, and I agree that maybe it should have ended there (by now I've seen it so many times that I usually stop the DVD at that point!). But it's fitting to see a glimpse of Clive's final thoughts, and think that maybe he's regretting how things turned out. I've always felt neutral about Hugh Grant, but he's so good in the role of Clive (really almost two roles, since his character changes so much throughout the course of the story).

Rupert Graves... what can I say. The man is simply gorgeous, but it's not only his beauty that attracts me, but the naive self-confidence and swagger that he brings to the role of Alec (plus, as you said, totally adorable!). I've seen him in so many movies since I first watched Maurice (only a few months ago... hard to believe!), and he has the ability to just morph into a role. I think he's a wonderful actor, not to mention still gorgeous at age 48.

The Russet Room scene, the Hotel room scene, the ending boathouse scene, are all just brilliant.

It's so great to be able to come to these boards and have intelligent conversations about this amazing movie!
