MovieChat Forums > Maurice (1987) Discussion > The most erotic movie ever made

The most erotic movie ever made

I have become obsessed with this movie and I'm a straight woman. Is this unusual?

Maurice and Alec are so passionate and beautiful, it is awe inspiring.

I would have loved them to have done a follow up movie exploring their lives after the end of the film but that would have been silly I suppose.

Rupert Graves - oh my God, what a beautiful, sensual guy. The acting is just amazing - I've watched it so many times now and just cannot get enough.



I understand your feelings in regard to this film, but I think you are responding as you are not because the characters in question are male, but because the love and feelings expressed in the piece are so human, so perfectly portrayed.

Of course you could cite all the beauties of male love as expressed by the Greeks as inspiring and having the powers to better one's soul, but I think the story would be just as transformative and powerful no matter the characters' sex.

You show a preference for the character of Alec Scudder---I also think his character is so well done. His love is shown to be so innocent and is overwhelmingly powerful because of its innocence (IMO, anyway)

As a Rupert Graves fan, you may have already seen Dreaming of Joseph Lees---he is very good in that, also (I've seen him in so much and he always proves true.)

If you are looking for films of a similar theme:
If you haven't seen Another Country yet, you should look for it (currently available on youtube) It would be right up your street. Also the biopic Love is the Devil has a very romantic male/male relationship portrayed (but it is rather intense.) Death in Venice is as beautiful in its way as Maurice, but with the lover never fully obtaining the beloved. Staircase is a romantic comedy that shows a more mature relationship. All of these are worth watching, in my opinion.


Scudderite, I feel exactly the same way! I'm a straight woman, a mother, and this movie almost makes me wish I was a gay man! That makes no sense, I know, but I'm also obsessed, and Rupert Graves is a huge part of why.

Turner Classic Movies had a Merchant-Ivory festival this past month, and I caught this movie for the very first time. I've since watched it a few times (thank goodness for DVRs). I can't get over how hopeful and sensual it is. And so romantic! The scenes between Maurice and Alec (especially the end boathouse scene) are so poignant and beautifully done. All of the love scenes are very tastefully done, even the nude scenes. The hotel scene, when Alec gets out of bed to get dressed... all I can say is my goodness, the hotness. But it's not only his beautiful body. The character of Alec is so open and confident, yet so sweet and almost naive. I love that the movie ended the way it did. I can go on to dream about Alec and Maurice's life together.

