Chariots of fire??

I'm watching "the chariots of fire" for the first time and there are so many similarities with Maurice!
the way he students are filmed in the dining room at the begining, the chorals in the chapel even a choral song is used and it's the same as this beautiful scene with Clive and Maurice in Maurice' room at the college....
no similarities of script or characters, but just a the way it is filmed, the production, the directing...

What do you think about it? is it an hommage by Ivory to "the chariots of fire"? or is it simple copy?

What are your feelings?

I'm quite amazed!


I've never seen 'Chariots of Fire', but have always wanted to and only narrowly missed it on tv last week-damn! But now I'm even more determined to see it.


I don't remember any similarities (though it was ages ago that I watched Maurice) except three: both films are very thoroughly investigated historically, and both films are set in the same era, and both are very very good films. I liked them exceedingly. I don't think that the similarities make one an hommage to the other.


you may be right but , you can truely see the same camera movement and look in both of he films at the beginning when the students walk in the dining room...
and of course as I wrote , the music used, the marvellous "Miserere" by Allegri... sung in both the movies.

there are not similarities other than the ones I decribed and the ones you wrote above, but it's something that really striked me when I saw "Chariots" the week I was watching Maurice once a day...

