MovieChat Forums > The Monster Squad (1987) Discussion > Anyone Else Overjoyed When They Saw This...

Anyone Else Overjoyed When They Saw This At A Store?

I will admit, when I saw it on the shelf at Borders, I flipped out, i didnt make a scene, but I was extremely happy. I grew up with this movie, and I have loved it forever. I havent seen it since I was a small child, and I looked all over for it, but I never found it. I was afraid I'd never see it again until I found it, and I was just so happy that someone put it on dvd finally, cuz it really is a great movie.


I was happy when I found it because I had been hearing so much about it for years. I blind bought the DVD and I fell in love with it. It sounds stupid but I felt nostalgic about watching it even when I've never seen it before. lol. Awesome movie. So glad it finally got a DVD release.


I saw it at Best Buy when it was released on DVD. I have so many childhood memories associated with that film. However, I balked at the 13.99 price tag. I didn't pick it up until I saw it recently at Wal-mart for 9.00


yeah, when i watched it again for the first time, so many memories came flooding back it was insane, lol

"Barrow, it was a dead place haunted by survivors, rather than a living place haunted by the dead."


When I first read that they were releasing it on DVD as an anniversary edition, I was ecstatic. Like a lot of other people, I grew up watching this movie, and had seen it so many times to the point of reciting it from start to finish.

I bought it the day it came out on DVD, and now it seems the torched has been passed on as it has become one of my son's favorite movies (he's 5). I get a kick out of it though, because every single time he watches it - and he's seen it at least a dozen times already - he gets all teary-eyed at the end when Frankenstein's monster gets sucked into the vortex. My reaction was the exact same when I was his age! Lol.

Fulci lives!


i got teary eyed too

that part was so sad when i was little, lol

"Barrow, it was a dead place haunted by survivors, rather than a living place haunted by the dead."


lol, i was at Target and I and I almost yelled from I'm a geek...big deal! I'm watching it as we speak...I'm an 10 years old again.


i tried to buy it on amazon but no one would give it up. then i saw it at target and almost made a scene i was so happy


I agree 100%, and now I'm showing it to my daughter for the first time :)
gotta pass it on to the next generation!

To Do: Insert witty signature here


I freaked when I saw this at Target today. My eyes lit up and I said "Holy ****" a little too loudly. I sort of expected it to be in a $5 bin, but it was $13.88; it is worth every penny, even more considering it's a special edition.


yeah. I bought mine at target too! mine was 10bills so I had to pick it up! I also shrieked loudly when I saw it on the shelve.




I also was elated. I new it was coming out, I happened to call in sick at work that day, I really was sick, I called wal-mart and the stupid girl said they didn't have it so I went to Circuit City and found it as I was leaving. I couldn't control myself either. I still have it on vhs taped off of HBO in bad condition too. I can say I've watched the DVD several times already, the features are great and yes it brings back great memories of growing and running around the neighborhood with friends. It could have been $25 and I still would have bought it.

(SIDE NOTE) A buddy of mine was at wal-mart that day and bought Monster Squad. He said that had a bunch of copies.


I agree. It truly is a great 80's classic that i also grew up with. When i heard it was FINALLY going to be released on DVD, i went to the store the day it came out and bought it with much satisfaction i might add. I taped it on VHS many years ago and it finally wore out 3 years ago. When they bring old movies that most people didn't like back in the late 80's to DVD, i smile. In a couple months they are also FINALLY bringing Howard the Duck to DVD. That movie would suck by today's standards, but if you were a geek in the 80's, you'd appreciate it. Monster Squad is definietly one of my top 5 favorite movies as a kid and i will cherish it for the rest of my life. I don't care if i'm lucky to live to be a very old man, i will still love this movie.

"Imagination is the Figment"


Saw this at my walmart and bought it... the cover was epic looking my brother and I always watched this when we were kids... well worth it.. Damn good movie.

nWo 4-Life! Halloween Rules!(The Holiday)


I hate to be the first to say this.

I anxiously followed the DVD announcement and promptly purchased this the day it came out. My wife, nor our two friends, had ever seen this, so I waited until the weekend and watched it with them. I popped this in, anxious for them to experience one of my childhood favorites.

Approximately, 90 minutes later I pressed stop on the player, took out the DVD and put it away. No one said anything. I was embarassed. I wished I had never purchased this and just enjoyed the nostalgia. The movie is a great idea, but it's ultimately a wreck of a flick.

There are plenty of movies (and tv shows) I enjoy as an adult that I watched as a kid, but this is not going to be one of them. Needless to say I was sad and disappointed.


I went out to pick it up before work, and unfortunately most of the local stores didn't have the DVD in stock. I felt my hopes falling. Wal-Mart, Target, Best Buy, Circuit City... All nothing. I decided to hit FYE at the local mall, just in case, and they had it. I don't think I've ever looked more forward to any DVD ever.

It still makes me smile when I see it in store.


I was in Wal-Mart saw this DVD and darned near lost my mind!!! I loved this movie ever since I was seven and I still love this movie !! And now my eight year old nephew is hooked!


**raises hand
