MovieChat Forums > Prince of Darkness (1987) Discussion > Carpenter's scariest movie?!

Carpenter's scariest movie?!

Well let me start by saying I generally don't get scared by horror movies. I know that's a pretty cliched statement, but I tend to find myself getting more scared at horror scenes in non-horror movies. (Mulholland Drive, Requiem for a Dream) Where as traditional scary movies never did it for me (Friday the 13th, Halloween.. yawn)

Well with that said, This movie can be really terrifying.. What with the slow build-up and creepy zombies and of course the overall premise of being trapped in a building with satan himself?! Really freaked me out in the fun type of way.

Sadly I'm reading alot of people on here knocking this movie.. And while I would tend to agree the character development is something to be let down by.. I can't deny this is a masterpiece in Horror and suspense.

" Super Bowl XLVIII will be most evenly-matched Super Bowl in 32 years"- AH_Fan


Prince of Darkness is a highly underrated movie.


I vote "They Live." The message from it and they background before the creepy stuff is more and more realistic by the day.


Its between POD and The Fog. Although i've recently watched POD on blu-ray ( amazing release by scream factory btw ) and the shot of the burned up girl looking at her reflection in the mirror still freaks me out. It's only a split second but damn...

" No one in the world is called Omar Sharif! I shall call you Fred... "


This one was great, very creepy back in day when I saw it and I am going to watch it again soon. The Fog is just as good and very creepy as well. You just don't see this kind of film making these days. Carpenter had a great eye as a director and for getting great performances out of the actors.


Agreed, the tension slowly creeps up and is very of my all time faves



this movie is not scary, it is trash, ok?


"ok?"? "ok?"?! Do you believe yourself to have dropped some serious knowledge on him, or what?

Sad story. You got a smoke?


it sure is



IMHO, yes, it is.
