MovieChat Forums > Prince of Darkness (1987) Discussion > 80's styles and the beginning

80's styles and the beginning

The beginning was filmed at the University of Southern California. I was a student there in 1987 and I swear we didn't look that stereotypical. Maybe high school students looked like the Jameson Parker's character (I don't remember ANYONE with a mustache) and the guy walking with the mullet from hell and the pastel pants. I mean come on. Just a minor, silly point, but it bugs me. Good movie.


That's often the way college students were portrayed in general in the '80s.
Quirky & usually with glasses...or a greasy slacker with sunglasses...were the norms for college characters.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.
