MovieChat Forums > The Principal (1987) Discussion > The most owned 'tough guy' on film.

The most owned 'tough guy' on film.

Why was White Zac the leader of the white gang at Brandel? As much as he got his ass kicked, at a real alternative school he would surely has sunk to the bottom of the food chain. And now a recap of White Zac's record:

Vs. Baby Emile: slammed against vending machines with a smooth takedown into a choke out position. 0 for 1

Vs. Rick Latimer: recieves a slap on the head, later Rick administers an uncontested smackdown ending it with a knee to the grill and stuffs him ass first into a garbage can. "You Son of a Bitch!" 0 for 2

Vs. Ms Orozco: recieves a verbal smackdown for disrupting class but later he pulls out his form of payback with a beating and attempted rape. 1 for 2

And the Coup de Grace
Vs. Jake "The Phillipshead Screwdriver" Phillips: makes short work of him with a two piece body/head combo, and tells him to *beep* off!" before smashing him through a window. 0 for 1

Now that leaves White Zac's record at 1 for 6 in this film, not hardly impressive to me at all for a guy who is supposed to be a leader of gang that is threatening to move in on Duncans territory.


Hey atleast there were white thugs in this movie now adays everyone thinks gangs are just a black or latino thing but back in the 80s it wont. Most school movies now like freedom writers had that one scared white boy sittin at his desk go back in time and look at the principal and u see them white folks in a gang.


I think the only reason White Zac was the leader of the white gang was because he was the only white kid standing up and trying to fight back against the other gangs. I don't think it mattered that his record was 1 for 6. The white kids, being the minority in the school, were encourage to join up with White Zac becuase he could get them to be a gang, where they would be able to protect each other and wouldn't have to be alone.


yeah true that

CALL ME SNAKE-snake plissken
