MovieChat Forums > Street Trash (1987) Discussion > former crew member remembers

former crew member remembers

Well, I only worked about 2 weeks on the set and received all the free pizza I could eat, (and about $100 week's pay, if I remember right), but I did have more fun on this movie than any other. I also put in time on Crocodile Dundee and Eat and Run, both shot throughout N.Y.C. But Street Trash clearly was the most memorable, in that I got hands-on experience doing the 'melt effects' with numerous globs of paint, washed a lot of the Viper bottles between takes, and even had an opportunity to help with the SteadyCam.

The other movies paid better but were boring to work on.

About five years after I worked on Street Trash, I got to see the movie, (which ran very briefly in a local Vermont theater, then was pulled due to complaints - especially due to one very infamous scene that is probably well known to most appreciative fans); and I have to say, I was quite proud to see my name, Jim Willard, roll past at the very end of the credits.

I'm now a chip engineer, doing entirely different things, but one of the cumulative moments of my short-lived film career was when I participated, however briefly, in that Brooklyn junkyard, on what I can now proudly consider, one of the cult 'trash' classics of all time. I'm very much proud of my accomplishment. The VHS occupies a prominent space in my movie library...

Whatever happened to everyone else on that crew, I wonder?...

Jim Willard


Other crew members occasionally post here. There was the one guy who was screaming about not getting paid earlier this year.

It's like a breakfast cereal, but with more fnck.


well....Brian Singer directed the X-Men and Superman Returns... not sure if anyone would have heard of those....wink wink..

hmmm..i wonder if he posts on this thread too? nudge nudge.

And knowing is half the battle.


Is that a hint?

'Eat and Run' is interesting. FYI &


Are you Bryan Singer?

Does anyone else think Leatherface looks like Sarah Palin when he puts the lipstick on?

reply'll have to ask Bryan "the grip" Singer...ahem...cough cough ;)
Just goes to show u never know who works on idies...nudge nudge wink wink :D

sign me,
Indie worker


Do you refer to him as "The Grip" because of a personal and intimate memory?

I like when Bunny comes over and both tits pop out. That's a great fnckin' scene.


Hello, I am that bloke Bryan Singer.

That dude is a fraud.

I caught him rifling through my garbage the other day when I was taking a fag break from cranking out my latest pulsating cinematic tour de force.


'You punched me in the boob! Prepare to die, obviously!'
