Zach Galifinakis...

Did anyone else notice the striking resemblance between Zach Galifinakis and the big, bearded hobo who ends up being "the main bad guy"?

It's not just in his face and beard, but even in the way he flutters his eyes and in his VOICE - their voices sound identical! Freaky bearded twins!

They should remake this movie with Galifinakis as the lead...
We could also throw in other obscure greats like...Michael Ironside, the keyboardist of Rammstein, and Juliette Lewis as the junkyard slut


Haha I thought the exact same thing.

Judas Priest Cult #2
let the mass begin....
Your wife died from cyanide in the scotch


i'm taking a class about horror films at the School of Visual Arts and we watched this movie. Whats also great is the writer of the movie (Roy Frumkes) is also my teacher. He has a cameo in it, he's the business man you gets slimed in the face. After we saw it the junkyard slut and the wisecrackin blonde guy came in as guest speakers. it was so awesome. gotta love NYC


That is very awesome.

Judas Priest Cult #2
let the mass begin....
Your wife died from cyanide in the scotch



I approve of this since I'd love to see Zach Galifinakis blown to pieces by a compressed air tank. But he would ruin the rest of the film.

"What goes on out there, is a disgrace":


How about the junk yard owner? He looked liked a really fat Seth MacFarlane.

