MovieChat Forums > 3 Men and a Baby (1987) Discussion > Can't believe that this was the highest-...

Can't believe that this was the highest-grossing film of 1987

Shows just how much our culture and, and the movie-going public has evolved. If this came out in 2011, it would be at the bottom of the bargain bin at Wal-Mart faster than a film starring John Larroquette. Also, the following year RAIN MAN, was the highest-grossing and won Best Picture. While I think that RAIN MAN is a classic, I don't think that today's primary audience (15-25) would have the attention span to sit through this excellent film. Let alone go back for repeat viewings. Everyone's too dumbed-down by Transformers, Spider-Man, and Pirates of the Caribbean.

Boycott Spider-Man 4


Like RAIN MAN it succeeded because of it's then timely idea, coming after the Wall Street crash and the 'baby boom', of yuppies discovering that having or gaining a family was more important than money or success.

But yes it may rank as the most unlikely no 1 highest grossing film of ANY domestic year. Aside from the fact that it's only really remembered for an urban myth (the 'ghost' boy) it's leading men comprised of two tv stars in Danson and Selleck who never headlined any hit films before or after it and Guttenberg who never had a hit movie ever again period. At least RAIN MAN had two leads who were bonafide A listers.


I think there's several issues.

1st - There were less movies in general. Movies stayed in the theaters for months.

2nd - Less reliance on technology, CGI, special effects, etc to carry a movie. Thus a movie with guttenberg, danson, and selleck was pretty big.

3rd - "Novelties"....i.e. 3 bachelors and a baby could catch on. Similar with crocodile dundee.

Looks who's talking (1989), that was one of the highest grossing movies of 89.
I think people wanted a rest, after the build up of the 80's, kind of reprioritize,....thus you see these light movies....twins, weekend at bernies, etc.

Those guys were pretty cool at the time. Their apartment was real unique with the artwork. It was such a different era. There was so little media then. People wanted to see *Movies*, i.e. rainman. Now its more about entertainment, cgi, marketing/branding, etc....transformers, pirates, etc.


Paul Guilfoyle (CSI) was terrific in this imo and this movie was memorable because of it's cute charm, hilarious leads, and classic tunes such as Daddy's Girl and Bad boys. I just adore those films where our protagonists are forced to adapt to a new life involving a kid or a baby.


It was the highest grossing film because it is the best proven factual record of ghosts. This movie has affected both the scientific and religious communities around the world for finally proving with no doubt that ghosts do indeed exist.


Was just looking at Box Office Mojo and was surprised to see that, too. Guess a lot of women dragged their husbands or boyfriends to see it. Or made it a girls night out to see Tom Ted & Steve.

No R rating, either. 7 of the top 10 that year did.

I have much larger problems to fry - Milos


This movie was not very popular but ghost boy manipulated the box office figures to make the movie appear successful.


I can't either. This movie was terrible!

This artist:


Lol nice try but again this movie did well at the box office so your statement is invalid. This movie was and still is a classic not because of a certain urban legend that's been proven *beep* a number of times but retards such as yourself refused to see it, you're like a stupid biased packers fan, no matter what bad points you point out about the team you still yell "THEY'RE the best I don't care"!
