MovieChat Forums > 3 Men and a Baby (1987) Discussion > Which actors would be good in a remake

Which actors would be good in a remake

IMO these guys would be good

Jack- Ashton Kutcher
Michael- Seth Green
Peter- Dane Cook

Proud member of I.B.O.A.
International Brotherhood of A$$holes


Bill Murray zac galifinacis and Chris pine


Wow those are just all the worst choices. 2 unfunny hacks and one short awkward guy.


Chris Pine (Jack), Jesse Eisenberg or Jim Parsons (Michael), John Krasinski (Peter).


You know I can actually see Chris Pine as Jack

Proud member of I.B.O.A.
International Brotherhood of A$$holes


Remakes generally suck and deviate too far from the original story line to be associated with the original movie, short of sharing a title. So, how about a new movie with a new name.


...and yes, I know this is a remake of a french film.


What is of greatest importance is getting Ghost Boy into the remake. Otherwise it is a waste of time.
