MovieChat Forums > 3 Men and a Baby (1987) Discussion > Why do people believe it??

Why do people believe it??

So I keep reading about this so called "ghost boy" in the movie. Well stay calm because it's been proven as a complete hoax!! As proven by the article in IMDB and on prove. " There is a rumor that this is the ghost of a little boy who died in the apartment in which the film was shot. This rumour is false, as the interiors were all shot on a sound stage in a movie studio. The "ghost" is actually a cardboard cut-out of Jack wearing a tuxedo. This prop appears later in the film, when Mary's mother comes to collect her."

This has also been proven by the crew. And for some of you who think a cardboard cut could not be put there that fast. "It's not there, then it's there" are you forgetting how many people are on a huge studio movie crew? Anyone could simply be behind the door unseen and place the cut out there. It's not that hard. It's called "movie magic" I've done it myself on some short films I've been. So that logic is not logical in the movie world.

So people stop trying to make this into some scary story and passing it off as real. Again it's not real and has been proven false. Why ruin movies for people, can't we just enjoy a movie without all the made up hype and attention people being to it??


Even moreso I'd argue that the 'ghost boy' story is an indictment of how the film itself has been forgotten on it's own merits by many. The biggest hit of it's release year yet it enduring contribution to pop culture is a barely credible hoax that was shown up as fake many years ago.


I was there. I saw the ghost boy. He tried to spook me but I said "I ain't afraid of no ghost" and he disappeared.

Years later I thought back to that incident, and remembered I'd been smoking peyote for days when I saw that ghost boy. But that doesn't mean it never happened.

Believe in yourself.

Cardboard Box is the Future.


This was debunked 25 years ago. I can't believe it's still discussed.


There are morons who think Titanic is just a movie... There are also people who think the moon is made of cheese ... These people are commonly referred to as "morons".


Ghost Boy is real. Here is definitive proof:
