MovieChat Forums > The Untouchables (1987) Discussion > The movies true life flaws.

The movies true life flaws.

First off, this movie is definitely well made and entertaining but l tend to have problems with films that proport to be based on a "true story" but are in fact anything but. In real life Elliot Ness was not married during the events of the Capone case. I believe he had a girlfriend but Ness was both wifeless and childless. Ness's prohibition squad had a couple of dozen men assigned to it instead of merely four. It's primary job was to shut down Capone's operations and make it extremely difficult for him to make any income. There was a adjunct squad of IRS agents who in the end were responsible for putting Capone in jail for tax evasion. The nifty trick of switching juries would have been legally impossible to do and would have ensured that Capone's conviction would have overturned. And then there's the problem with Frank Nitti. The real Nitti was far from being the type of psychotic killer that he was portrayed as. In fact Nitti would eventually take over the Capone organization and would live into the 50's. And these are just the major mistakes they make. There literally dozens of more minor ones.


nitti killed himself in 1943.



that's the thing - I don't mind films based on real events that go free-style for dramatic or artistic purposes, or even spiced-up 'true-stories', but things is something else; apart from a few effective scenes, it feels silly and forced

the little accountant guy shotgunning half the mob on the bridge is a sight to behold!

no idea who's been giving this flick 8.0 ...

Le beau est bizarre


The movie's actually based on an already widely known and mostly fictional TV show.

As for the jury switch. Yes it's a great gag albeit and absurdly unrealistic one. I always thought that the it was merely a bluff to expose (the fictional) Capone's defence. As soon as his lawyers suspected the jury AND the Judge were outwith Capone's control, that they ran for cover, entering a guilty plea (which would never happen the way it did either).

Whiskey Bond inside the main post office. Throwing someone off a courthouse roof through a car and nobody in the street caring about it. Big clues as to how "realistic" this movie should be preceived as being.

Glasgow's FOREMOST authority Italics = irony. Infer the opposite please.


Maybe at the start of the film they should have written *NOT A HISTORICAL DOCUMENTARY* in big block letters.

Never defend crap with 'It's just a movie'



It's a movie! Just get over yourself Mr. Hot Historical Facts.

Perhaps the OP just wants to reach out for some sense of community.


From what I've read and watched regarding organized crime, the jury switch was 100% real. Frank Wilson, the IRS agent Wallace was based on, told Judge Wilkerson that members of that jury pool may have been compromised so he switched them before the jury selection.


History Buffs: The Untouchables
