MovieChat Forums > Wall Street (1987) Discussion > I don't go to sleep with no whore and I ...

I don't go to sleep with no whore and I don't wake up with no whore

That's how I live with myself. I don't know how you do it.

I'm the saddle.



Gary Anne? don't you mean Darien?


He meant both Darien and Gekko. Thats why that scene was so powerful. Its the emotional outburst from Martin Sheen we were expecting.


I believe he's referring to Gekko exclusively; it's, like, a metaphor.

Bud is clearly on his way to the dark side, and Gekko is the one dangling the carrot. It's not literal -- Darien has nothing to do with it.

Great scene though. Marty really hits that "WALLET!" doesn't he?



He was saying that Gekko screws people for money just like "whores"do.

You want to play the game, you'd better know the rules, love.
-Harry Callahan


people sleep with whores? he really answers his own question. just don't go to sleep with them. not that hard i would think...

You stay classy, San Diego.


Charlie Sheen's private life has given all kinds of interesting ironic twists to this line.



I've always believed he was referring exclusively to Darien. It doesn't make sense to me to call Gekko a whore. Carl Fox was a simple guy and likely would have called Gekko any number of other things but not a "whore" which is usually reserved for women. Carl is also probably religious, and married to one woman his whole life (Bud's mother) and thus he's disgusted by Bud's relationship to Darian which seems immoral to him.


The funny thing is, you can go to sleep with a whore but you'll probably never wake up to one. They'll be gone before morning with your possessions.

Well what are the use of my brains if I'm tied up with a dumb cluck like you?
