MovieChat Forums > Withnail and I (1987) Discussion > Richard E. Grant's "With Nails" book....

Richard E. Grant's "With Nails" book....

This weekend, I watched the documentary on the artist Ralph Steadman and Richard E. Grant talked about his film diary he published, "With Nails".

Has anyone read it? Does it focus only on Withnail or all of Grant's films?

Looked interesting....


It looks at all of Grant's films. The best chapter is about his worst film i.e. Hudson Hawk.

"Everyone is ignorant, only on different subjects". Will Rogers (1879-1935)


I just started reading this a couple of weeks ago! Terrific read and really wonderful to see it's written with the same whimsical style present in all of Grant's performances. It's like watching a whole another Grant flick, full of his witticisms and tremendous wry humor.

HIGHLY recommended, for any Grant fans.

"You're telling me the future is video and NOT film?"


I read it last year and laughed allot. Very little of it is about Withnail or How To Get Ahead, though he does go into them a bit, as well as his friendship with Bruce Robinson, and there's is funny and interesting stuff on just about every movie he was in. I particularly like his commentary about the Bruce Willis movie and his time with Dracula production.

Bruce Robinson's, "The Peculiar Memories of Thomas Penn", is a must for any Withnail fan. It's basically like reading what could be a prequel to Wailnail, and I've heard, maybe through the Grant book, that B.Robinson is hoping to make it into a film.
