an American remake

brad pitt as withnail

Matt Damon as I

Megan Fox as Miss Blenihasset

Bill Murray as Uncle Monty

Madonna as the farmers mother

"On Earth everyone can hear you scream"- Alien 3 trailer


Miss what?

my vote history:



But there has to be a car chase, lots of explosions, and an hour of fist fighting where no one gets hurt.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


There was already an American Withnail and I, it's called Clerks

"We came on holiday by mistake!"



Crawl back in your 3rd world hovel so we won't have to bear witness to your jealousy.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


> Crawl back in your 3rd world hovel so we won't have to bear witness to your jealousy.

Me thinks that you fail to understand sarcasm.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


Most posts like this aren't meant as humor or sarcasm. If yours was, cheers!! :)

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Some have argued that there are some American movies that have inspired "Withnail & I". Some of those movies include:

- Midnight Cowboy
- Five Easy Pieces
- Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid
- Cutter's Way



No, I don't think so. None of those movies are anything like Withnail & I, the closest one is "Clerks" as someone mentioned.

Besides, Withnail & I was inspired by director Bruce Robinson's own youth in the sixties. The characer of I [Marwood] was loosely based on himself and that of Withnail was based on Vivian MacKerrell, a friend with whom he shared a Camden house; and "Uncle Monty" is loosely based on Franco Zeffirelli from whom Robinson received unwanted amorous attentions when he was a young actor. He lived in the impoverished conditions seen in the film and wore plastic bags as Wellington boots. Robinson threw four or five years of his life into the script, condensing them into two weeks.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion but this is one that really requires you to tickle your tonsils with the business end of a shotgun. The very idea of an American remake!

"Remember, you have to make it home to get paid" (The Dogs of War)


James Cordon could pull off a Monty.
