MovieChat Forums > Withnail and I (1987) Discussion > Who Would You Cast For A Remake?

Who Would You Cast For A Remake?

Let's say filmmakers start getting lazier than they are now and they remake this little number. Who would you cast today as Withnail or Marwood or any of the other characters?

Daniel Radcliffe would be my Marwood. It might be the glasses and height that reminds me of him but when he steps out of the Harry Potter spotlight I think he would be perfect for this type of role. And Jude Law would be my Withnail. I realize the chemistry might not work because of the age difference, but I see both sides working on some level. I would keep Richard Griffiths as Monty. He still looks the same and it'd be hilarious to see him come on to Daniel Radcliffe.


Oh my God, what a horrible thought. Remaking this film. Can you imagine the pigs ear that would almost invariably be made of it? It makes me shudder to think of it.

Who the hell would direct it, either? No no no. Im sorry I cant play this game.









Raymond Duck. A dreadful little Israelite. Four floors up on the Charring X Rd and never a remake at the top of them.






I know - on the pronounciation. He obviously doesnt much care for Israelites.


As I clicked on this post, on my T.V. I heard this: "Raymond Duck. A dreadful..." I mean as I clicked on it. Perfect timing and beautiful all at the same time!


Remakes, like flowers, are tarts and should rocket orf on a tandem to Wrigglesworth.

rouge silk,
fierce concentrated joy,
fires the blood


what's up with all the deleted messages?

my vote history:


I could definitely see Radcliffe as Marwood. Danny Boyle might be able to pull it off as a director- his movies have a lot of energy, and he has the ability to blend comedy and tragedy. But I can't think of anyone who could replace Richard E. Grant. He just has such a presence. Maybe Benedict Cumberbatch?


A remake should never ever ever ever happen! that would be a tragedy!!!


OP, are you a sponge or a stone?

Do you want to shut yourself owf from new experiences (and endlessly make sequels and remakes)? Or do you want to experience all facets of life (i.e. go out and make an original film with brand new characters and jokes)?

By the way, for the record, I understand that you, OP, are not calling for a remake, and are just engaging in harmless chat. But let's not encourage life's stones. Let's encourage a more sponge-like attitude to life from the studios.



I'm not suggesting a scene for scene knock off, but some what of an homage. I think it would be a good premise to play off of: Two struggling actors seeking a change of scenery. From there on out you can do anything. Perhaps Americanize it? I've got your attention now. I believe it would be a good idea because all the best ideas sound terrible at first. Christopher Nolan resurrecting the Batman franchise sounded like a tiresome idea, but turned it into the most relevant super hero film ever. I've got a vision that I know would work if given the right execution. It's just a project I've always thought about doing if I ever became a serious filmmaker. Making a personal and sentimental homage to something that has inspired to become more than you are is a dream amongst many aspiring directors. Peter Jackson was one of them. Good thing he followed his dream.




As Andrew said, the concept itself is hardly original - it is very simple and has been done many times - before and since. So making a film about two struggling actors looking for a change of scene? Sure, why not. A couple of references in there as a homage? No harm in that. But a remake with the same characters being played by different people? I am never enthusiastic about such projects and in this case least of all.


I can never watch a film until it's been remade. As a youth I used to weep in video rental shops.

"Sir, let those laugh that win."- Barry Lyndon


You wouldn't do a remake. It would be sacrilegious.


i'm feeling skinny tony: I've got a vision that I know would work if given the right execution. It's just a project I've always thought about doing if I ever became a serious filmmaker.

Look, no offense here, buddy, but this is really selfish of you. Who are you to declare-in other words-that you have this mythical talent with which to REMAKE Withnail & I? Did anybody ask you to remake it? Who do you think you are? So if you were to make it to being a film maker, you're going to attempt this feat? For God sake. You'll never make it on the back on such unoriginality, I think. Even if any one were to remake this film (which I hope they never do), the result would never match up to the original.

We don't even need to think about remaking this film. It doesn't need to be remade. Most people here seem unanimously united in that.

"A film is-or should be-more like music than like fiction..." Stanley Kubrick



You wouldn't do a remake. It would be sacrilegious.

Correct, but the o/p is looking for a 'twat' award, so any nomination is fair game.


I'm surprised no one mentioned that "I" looks almost identical to Cillian Murphy. I couldn't get rid of that thought throughout the movie.
